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Also Parecer

This same Law differentiates the Educational Orientation of the Professional Orientation, being that this she was destined more to the vocational orientation in the industrial schools, objectifying to adjust the pupils to the offered courses to supply the work market, while that one acted in the school in an adjustment perspective, of prevention of problems and identification of the individual differences to adjust to education they. Another legal document, Parecer n 632/69 presents the objectives of the Educative Orientation, characterizing it in the pedagogical area, attributing to the Educative Person who orientates ' ' to guide the young in its moral, civic formation and religiosa' ' ' ' to stimulate the communitarian direction of life, better favoring relationship of the young with the family, the school and comunidade' '. It is distinguished, in this period, the Law n 5,540/68, that it treated the University Reformation and it approaches the formation of the specialists. Also Parecer n 252/69, one of the most important documents that deal with the formation of the Educational Person who orientates, therefore presents a description to about the subject, critical to the Law n 4.064/61 to Parecer n 251/62, being that in this when fixing the minimum resume, the duration of the course of Pedagogia and the qualifications, did not consider the Educational Orientation. Already the Law n 5,692/71 instituted the obligatoriness of the Educational Orientation in the schools of 1 and 2 degrees and privileges the vocational area, intending to institute the obligator professionalizing education that, by means of the vocational aconselhamento, oportunizava the choice of a profession that took care of the demands of the work market. Parecer 339/72 it detached the importance of the sounding of aptitudes, strengthening the use of appropriate techniques for the identification of the vocations of the pupils, evidencing the character of psychological aconselhamento. According to Grinspun (2006), the Educational Orientation can be defined, according to Law n 5,692/71, as ' ' an attendance to the moment description-politician in the period of its implantation and development.

The Sound

Rain hurt the skin with its ferocity and punished high of the trees, pulling out some more fragile twigs and balancing poles of electric energy. Its front it saw the work that a woman was having, with serious difficulties in loading a child small a stock market that seemed to be heavy. More the front it saw other people entering hasty for the door of the hotel, that in the truth, was one of those old mansions, transformed into tourist point and inn for travellers without route, thus, as it. Coming close to the woman in difficulties it caught the stock market in its hand and waved for the door. The sound of the wind was so high that Mrs. hid gratefulness.

The child in its arms seemed scared and it she made covering for the two while they directed themselves for the entrance door. Bafo hot of the interior of the house when hugging gave them to them to it sensation of comfort and security. There, it could hear the sound of the voice of the woman who spoke without stopping, it did not obtain to syntonize in it for more than three words and mumbled something without feeling if directing until the reception local it. A common young woman, with pale blond hair stopped its front without nothing saying to it, not even a good afternoon, or the sketch of a smile of either welcome. It only looked at for it of tedious form while she extended the fiche to it of I register in cadastre. Perfect! It was what it thought, without gossip or questions of which it did not desire to answer. It filled the fiche and later he opened its wallet and he paid in advance, in money. The young woman of the balcony caught the money she kept and it in the recorder to the side stops later without demonstrating much interest and the least to look at that it was written, simply, caught the filled sheet of paper and it annexed it to the open filing-cabinet its front.

Tambellini, Borgarelli And Coli: Winning Immigrants

The history of Italian immigration in Brazil is repleta of idealizaes and myths, great of them constructed by the novelesco character of the proper novels that had dealt with the subject. Although this, many histories of overcoming and progress of the immigrants are real and worthy of reverence. In the interior of So Paulo, in the region of the Circuit of Waters So Paulo, in Support, the Italian colony prospered in incomparable ratios, the point of in the stated period of two decades some Italian immigrants to have if become great land gentlemen, industrials and traders. In Support, three names are prominences: Vitale Tambellini, Romualdo Borgarelli and Giuseppe Coli. Vitale Tambellini was an industrial in the branch of drinks and foods that if became national known for its products. Romualdo Borgarelli was competing of the Tambellini Group, but although not to surpass them, it had the great prestige with its industry of beers. Giuseppe Coli was a farmer in the branch of the cafeicultura, that accumulated notable richness with the production and commerce of coffee in the markets of So Paulo and Santos. In this direction, as it is common in great cities, personalities with Italian last names are very gifts and consist as important names of the society.

Successful Industralist

In order to be able to become a successful industralist certain essential qualities are needed that they offer support to his life. You are not necessarily come from birth but they are possible to be developed by means of the continuous action and being conscious to increase them in all the aspects of the life. To be successful is not like switch that catch ons or it goes out, rather is like a knob that graduates constantly, as we advanced we are improving our qualities and therefore our yield. For that reason today I would like to speak of 5 specific qualities that all successful industralist must cultivate and develop: Planning: At the time of beginning any activity, business or emprendimiento it is necessary to plan. To establish goals and objectives is the best form to know if we are advancing therefore it is important east aspect.

At the same time it is important to be flexible and to notice that if the conditions in the surroundings change it must then also change the plans of such form that reflect the new surroundings. Action: Once the planning is made not leave this in plans but to go and to develop them, the proactive being is reflected in all the aspects of the life, not only in his business. For that reason a successful industralist this ready to risk to secure its plans and to carry out them. As what he serves the best plan if he does not take with himself the action to be developed? Persistence: With the action a problem comes and is that it is possible to be acted around the plans, but the sufficient then continuity is not had these can ruin. It is not enough with the action so that a business works, is necessary to add to this the continuity to him.