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Accounting Reports

1. Preparation of annual reports in the Netherlands – Netherlands Netherlands Civil Code requires that the company was preparing, and subsequently provided to the shareholders / board of directors: the balance sheet and profit and statement with notes, statement of cash flows (for medium and large business); report of directors, except in cases in which a group of companies shall be exempt from this requirement as provided by law order, other information such as the audit report or information about the favorable and unfavorable developments in the period between the date on which the compiled balance sheet and the date when the report by the Council Directors and report on incidents that have financial implications for the company or group of companies, which are included in the consolidated annual reports, as well as a rough estimate of the sum of these effects in the euro. If you are not convinced, visit Jimmy Levin. 2. Accounting principles in the Netherlands – Netherlands required annual financial statements and notes, as well as information that should be included in the annual directors' report, as well as additional attention should be drawn up in accordance with generally accepted principles. These principles are: Book 9, Part 2 of the Civil Code Netherlands; case law authority prescriptions collected in the "Guide to compiling annual reports in the Netherlands ", released under the guidance of the Netherlands Department of Statistics, in case of need the special requirements of the regulatory and inspection bodies on financial statements. In cases other than those listed above, there are other principles, such as International Financial Reporting Standards, guidelines and guidance system of another country. Company made in the register required to prepare annual consolidated financial statements for 2005 and subsequent years in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards Legislation in respect of annual accounts and reports applicable to cooperatives, co-insurance companies, as well as open and closed joint-stock companies, limited liability companies, as well as groups of companies, which include those of foreign, public and private companies are fully competent parterres annual financial statements is defined as the balance sheet and income statement with notes. . .

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