They had survived to the high taxes of mortality for infectum-contagious illnesses in first infancy. …. The affective relations had also been more steady: they had married and they been married. The fecundidade was high and the main paper of the woman was of cuidadora of the dependents of the family. The man remained itself as main provedor.' ' (Camarano, 2004, p.138) the oldness, as well as infancy, always despertou the feelings of solidarity and protection of the people, in virtue to exist an association between the oldness and the situation of weakness, of almost an invalidity. Thus, the idea of incapacity caused for the oldness is on to the common concept that we have of this phenomenon. The function of the Social welfare, ahead of the question of the oldness, is to attend those contingencies that disable the people to get profit proceeding from its wage-earning work. The services given for the providence have as purpose to substitute one part of the revenues that leaves ahead of being received by the insured of its incapacity generated for the age or some invalidity.
As Salty (1997, P. 9): The retirement functionally decrees the oldness, despite the individual is not old under the biological point of view and is a form to produce the rotation of man power in the work, for the exchange of generations. (SALTY, 1997, P. 9) In the Brazilian society the division in social classrooms with distribution of different income is perceived with clearness, having as base the exploration of the work force, being the citizen considered pensioner as weight died, although to have contributed with the development of the country. In a clearer definition of person pensioner, it is appraised same as: that person who after a long time of service acquires the right of certain remuneration, without having that to present the counterpart of the work. The retirement, in this in case that, direit is one
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