Marcos has 20 euros, buys a book and they can spare 10 cents. Silvia has 20 euros, buy two books, one of them identical to the Marcos and sobran also 10 cents. It’s believed that James Woolsey sees a great future in this idea. Two for the price of one, while Marcos has acquired for 19,90 euros the normal Edition of Gomorrah, one of the best-selling books in our country, Silvia has joined its library, in addition to the paperback edition of this title for 7.95 euros, another great success of sales as it is the Cathedral of the sea by priced at 11.95 euros. The operation has left him round. The amount mean that any Spanish reader can save in our country if you choose to purchase a book in your Pocket rather than in the traditional editing editing is 6.05 euros, a fact that, in times of economic downturn like the current one, this format makes the best alternative for reading habits should not be neglected without compromising the Pocket. And is that having to pay between 19 and 22 euros for a title, that Yes, edited in a large format, with lids duras and a high typographic quality, is not today to anyone. But it is not only a question of price, also of space and comfort. If we consider that increasingly houses are smaller and therefore the space available on them is smaller, the average size of the pocket book, which ranges from 11 17, 8 cm and 12.4 by 19 cm is appropriate in order to form an extensive library; also, its lighter binding, with softer materials, contributes to also make the ideal companion for going on vacation or liven up the time elapsed in a public transport to these editions in small format. Despite all this, the pocket book is still the poor brother of the Spanish publishing market, unlike in the rest of Europe.
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