Emandu Communications Economics Portal Launches Businesson.de For South Westphalia
emandu communications, business portal businesson.de for South Westphalia region starts on March 15, 2010 at the address suedwestfalen.business-on.de launches its new business portal for the economic region of South Westphalia. Daily news, articles, interviews, company presentations are just a few of the topics with which aimed platform entrepreneurs, Managing Director, freelancers, and senior executives from all sectors. As Germany’s youngest region South Westphalia shortly after the merging of the districts of Hochsauerland, Markischer Kreis, district Olpe, Siegen-Wittgenstein and Soest in the year 2007 by the land of North Rhine-Westphalia for the alignment was chosen regional 2013 and has set goals: South Westphalia, home of numerous industrial world market leader of various industries, to distinguish Europe as an attractive living and economy and standards for quality and innovation in the development of the landscape and settlement space, in the infrastructure, culture and Put economy. Behind the regional online business portal is emandu communications from Ludenscheid, a communications agency with a focus on online marketing. Business-on.de, which has added to already-nationwide networks, would strengthen emandu communications now also the regional network in South Westphalia. “” This attack the “makers” of emandu communications on more than twelve know-how in the field of online media”back and be the South Westphalian companies on suedwestfalen.business-on.de” in a regular special “providing practical tips around the Web 2.0 and mobile Internet. We introduce companies from South Westphalia, interview chefs and publish news that move the regional economy”, describes editor Jens Schluter the approach of the new platform. This of course also what is happening around the regional is 2013 keep finding their place”.
In conjunction with the business-on.de portals in other metropolitan areas, one can in addition overarching topics offer some interesting facts about corporate governance, finance, law and taxation, marketing and PR. Brilliant business ideas to find as their place as lifestyle issues, book recommendations, or restaurant tips. Here our experiences with the StrategieCentrum Sudwestfalen benefit of course us, that we have established and successfully positioned just a year after the start in South Westphalia”, explains Jens Schluter, owner of the Agency of emandu communications. Through the connection of one of the most successful strategy networks to the South Westphalia platform of business-on.de portal we can create a comprehensive pool of information for the companies in the region, which starting with regional economic news, funding and promotion, organization or cooperation includes everything about practical tips and news to the areas of seminars around strategy and corporate governance,”. Since its launch in March 2006 has become business-on.de to a versatile Online news medium developed with nationwide more than 400,000 readers per month”, reported the Cologne platform founder Christian Weis. I am pleased that we can now cover a further, economically strong metropolitan area with South Westphalia”
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