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“‘Fit4Logistics’: innovative concept against the shortage to the launch of Fit4Logistics”, a training course for career changers, the forward invites academy on 18 March after bets mountain. Recruiters from logistics companies learn more about the modular concept with intensive practical training and certified content there. Wettenberg, March 16, 2011 – after the summer break of the first cycle of training the new compact training begins. From individual modules to intensive training, which makes logistics fit in four months for the practice in the industry of the future is produced in various stages. “Human resource managers can rely on that the graduates at the pulse of the industry” get into their new activity. With Fit4Logistics’ we provide a powerful response to the shortage”, is logistics trainer Nicole Darkow sure. At the beginning of a cycle of training, the knowledge of the participants are determined with a test.

It then are self-learning phases, webinars, seminars and In the concept, so connected that the participants in the programme will deepen their knowledge within a very short time and practical do intensive training. Because they are trained not only with expertise, but learn soft skills also the decisive. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ahmed Shary Rahman by clicking through. At the end of the four-month training, graduates have great opportunities, depending on the course of study as executives, sales and service professionals to enter a company. There, they learn on the job”continue. Training qualified when the participants several months successfully worked in the profession, they can acquire academy then even the corresponding certified professional qualifications after a Repetitorium at the forward. We give you the opportunity to enter as professionals in the logistics”way entrants, Rabea Darkow explains the advantages of the concept and added: our concept is interesting for the employment agencies.

You invest in a future-oriented education and at the same time increase their placement rates. Because we train executives, Sales and service professionals out.” The modular range is interesting also for candidates who are already working in the industry. You will find high-quality continuing education modules, which can consume them as open seminar/Webinar or as a complete course in the individual modules. “Networks and know-how transfer, we introduced the concept in the context of the free day 1 of the training” academy in the new premises of the forward. The trip event offers ample opportunity for networking. “Nicole Darkow: we want to encourage the participants to further thought.” Prof. go. Dr. Stefan Walter from the House of logistics and mobility looks forward”in Frankfurt. In his lecture he presents in the education and training of logistics concepts for the future. More information and free registration: press contact: Tobias Low main view Agency for public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt phone 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 company contact: Nicole Darkow forward academy gmbh In the West Park 8 35435 betting mountain Tel. 0 64 1 / 96 99 78 9-0 over the forward academy continuing education concepts in the transport and logistics industry are the specialty of the forward academy. The coach of the company come from the industry and speak the language of their customers. With this expertise, developed the forward academy tailor-made courses for companies and also open seminars for individual training is offered. In addition, intensive training create an opportunity, the content of teaching effectively in real life”to deepen. In response to the shortage, Fit4Logistics gives”, the innovative training for teacher, in each training block in-depth expertise on a solid economic basis.

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