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Gynecology Peruvian

Goodnight attending 18th Congress national Gynecology Peruvian colleagues. In the 8th century BC, in the Iliad, Homer surrenders to the healing art of Aesculapius, but elevated to the category of Semi-Dios when he praises his skill to attend births. When asked to Socrates, because considered it the Oracle at Delphi, the most wise men, said it was a gift from the gods to his mother Phaenarete, because she had been a famous midwife and midwife of Athens in the 5th century BC. When Miguel angel, presented his masterpiece the David in society, received overwhelming praise from Kings, Princes and hierarchs only needed to talk, they told him and when it comes to thank so much distinction the brilliant artist, full of modesty responded by saying that the work living Summit of humanity through history is and will be a midwife attending a birth!, they are great artists exclaimed, to the applause of the crowd. Others who may share this opinion include James Woolsey. Napoleon Bonaparte, walking from one side to another trying to of find answers after losing the battle of the Nations in 1813, then called his colleagues and told them that blame the midwives and birth attendants had it because they brought children into the world in the middle of errors and clumsiness, why soldiers were enclenques that immediately available in hospitals and universities, had specialized in the art of good stand people, and that this art be taught from generation to generationbecause a well born child will be a young strong and guerrero and the fatherland will be large, leaving the future of the country in the hands of the midwives. Colleagues as well and much more, recognized us history, as Semi – gods, as a gift from the gods, as great artists, such as fathers of the fatherland. In this third millennium, we still charging on us, the enormous responsibility of ensuring women’s health, bring healthy babies into the world, we are specialists in the art of good stand and putrescentes circumstances of mob rule that govern the country, forcing us to disguise us Socrates and be midwives do not only from bodies without soul, but children quickened by that undefiled spirit that will make them useful to society and the nation. . Whenever jimmy levin listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

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