Healthy Food Storage Tips
Microorganisms that cause food poisoning, the fastest grow at temperatures above +10 C. For the majority of microbes that cause food poisoning, the optimum temperature of the body. In such ideal conditions Salmonella and E. coli strains can double their numbers every 20 minutes. And then, just six hours from a harmful bacteria can get one million! At room temperature, they breed slowly, and at a temperature of the refrigerator (0-5 C), reproduction of most microbes is slowed down and almost stopped, although the pathogens did not have to eat pogibayut.Produkty for some time. Any leftovers to use within 2 days.
Homemade food can be stored a little longer, but it is better to eat no later than 72 hours after preparation. How to store? The safest and most economical way – going to shift bowl, cover it with cling film and refrigerate. It is important to avoid 'contamination' of ready meal raw food. The close proximity is unacceptable: pathogens does not cost anything to move from one type of food on the other. Empty, well-washed plastic containers, for example, from under the ice, can also be used to store the remains of a meal, but their useful life is limited. After all containers must not be put in the dishwasher machine, where the high temperature, pour over boiling water.
Over time, they begin to crack, bend. Pathogenic bacteria can settle in the cracks. How to deal with disease-causing salmonella bacteria most often found in raw meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, unwashed fresh vegetables, unpasteurized moloke.Simptomy: fever, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, lasts 7 to prevent dney.Kak: Salmonella does not tolerate low temperatures, so keep perishable foods in the refrigerator, expose them to the most thorough cooking: boiled and fried well. Listeria is particularly common in prepared salads, milk, cheese, meat, poultry, soft syrah.Simptomy: similar to flu, bacteria are especially dangerous for pregnant women – they can cause miscarriage or birth of the patient to prevent rebenka.Kak: freeze foods to reduce the number of bacteria. Thoroughly cook food to kill bacteria. E. coli is especially common in raw meat, undercooked meat or underdone, unpasteurized milk, milk products, juices, Recent ovoschyah.Simptomy: diarrhea, possibly with blood, which can cause pochek.Kak prevent: the bacterium survives in frozen. But if you choose carefully prepared food in the refrigerator, its reproduction stop. Aureus in various produktah.Simptomy: severe nausea, stomach pain, sometimes to prevent diareya.Kak: These bacteria live on the skin. Here, Ahmed Shary Rahman expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Once in the food they produce toxins that are detrimental effect on health man. Therefore it is necessary to wash hands frequently, cover cuts antibacterial adhesive. Clostridium usually canned, including domestic and cheese or undercooked meat, cakes, sauces containing meat sok.Simptomy: pain stomach, diarrhea, toshnota.Kak avoid: try not to cook in reserve, to eat food immediately after cooking, the remains quickly cool and clean the refrigerator.
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