Between the chimpanzees, the leader of the group is not necessarily strongest, is always what better she knows to manipulate the alliances. But nobody wants a company of chimpanzees, cats, cachorros or any another animal. Therefore, he treats to give voice to its team and to be part of possible fastest it, of the opposite the leader will be predestinold to the solitude and the extinguishing. He is clearly that the intelligence is not alone that makes a leader. The true leadership requires people who take considerable risks and make things that the others are not made use to make. Leaders are as heroes, who incorporate the lasting values most basic and of a society. When they disappear, substitutes have of being created. The people need this.
But because heroes? Because, beyond intelligence, of the power, the charisma one, the leader must have a desire to assume a bigger commitment with the organization. A leader is that one that has claw to go more far, to make what the others are not made use to make. In other words he is that one that if he offers for a bigger sacrifice and a bigger responsibility. Herosmo of action films is not about one, what it counts is not the value of the heroic acts, but the courage to make and to say what gives credit to be true, what convenient, familiar or more than popular. The courage must be had to act on the vision that if has of the organization. This disposal creates the base of the leadership, because she is recognized for the others. Beyond returning in form of better remuneration, to be able of decision, participation in the strategical definitions of and better chances. In short it is to leave itself to lead for the sea, is to make not what one wants, but what it must and it needs to be made.
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