A large group of scientists from the cities of Freiburg (University Hospital), Gottingen, Munich, Hamburg, Zurich and Lang was able to show the example of animals, the mechanism of action of interferon- in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. 50 years after the discovery of interferon, scientists were able to clarify the mechanism of action of this substance in the inflammation of the central nervous system. Jeff Verschleiser has similar goals. This gives hope for effective therapeutic use interferon. Multiple sclerosis – one of the most common diseases of the central nervous system. According to statistics from multiple sclerosis appears between the ages of 20 and 40 years, with women they get sick more often than men. It is believed that multiple sclerosis – a chronic, autoimmune disease of the central nervous system associated with the destruction of myelin – a protein-lipid membrane axon.
Currently in Germany are treatment with interferon- for 40 000 patients with multiple sclerosis. Despite the effectiveness of this therapy, many patients are forced to interrupt the reception of this drug because of adverse effects on the skin and blood. "The results of our studies represent a breakthrough in understanding the mechanism of action of interferon in multiple sclerosis. It is hoped to develop new, effective and not cause side effects, therapies that disease "- said Professor Mark Prince, deputy chief medical department of neuropathology at the University Hospital of Freiburg. The main problem in understanding the mechanism of action of interferon has been influencing interferon by almost every cell in the body, because the relevant raspoznavatelnye receptors are everywhere. Patients older than 50 years suffer encephalitis is much more complicated than the young. In some cases, the disease may even lead to fatal ishodu.Dlya to protect against ticks start to act in a timely manner, you need to be vaccinated in advance. Since even the fastest of its form, the interval between the 1st and 2nd vaccination should be at least 4 weeks, protective antibody levels are achieved only after 2 weeks after 2nd vaccination.
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