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Ontologia Principle

' Language and the possible identity of being narrada' ' ' ' The identity concept has been examined of some points of view. Two more detached they are the ontolgico and the logical. The first one is clear in the call ontolgico principle of _identidade (_a equal _a), according to which any thing is equal same itself. As it is the call logical principle of identity, which is considered by many logical of traditional trend as the logical consequence it ontolgico principle of identity, and for other logical as the principle ' ' _a belongs to any _a' ' (logical it terms) or as the principle ' ' _s _p (where _p symbolizes a declarative statement), then _p' ' (logical them proposies' '. For even more opinions, read materials from Kohl’s. In the continuation of the history of the philosophy both the directions if have interlaced and confused with frequncia.' ' (DEFERRED PAYMENT, 1978, P. 132) Since that the Ontologia was if configuring as one disciplines that it tried to explain the being, had appeared many questionings on this ' ' dizer' ' the being, therefore some of the general aspects in the ways used for the identification of the same could be contaminated for external factors to the being and that in turn they would invalidate any that was the final judgement on the subject. One of the main questions to about the subject is of the Language and the search of a hermeneutic understanding of the identity of the being, that is, would be exactly possible if to say the being through the language, knowing that the same one comes from the observer and not from the investigated being? How to conciliate the being in itself exactly with the proper conditionings of who investigates, resulting in a formularization that can in fact state with allegiance what it is the being? In this direction let us start for Heidegger that in its ontologia, defined more as a metaphysics of science, says that what becomes possible the existence is the being, but that the same it cannot be said, therefore ' ' (…) the language appears, first, under the form of the tagarelice as the one in the ways as if manifest degradation or inautenticidade of homem.' ' (DEFERRED PAYMENT, 1978, p.170) On the other hand we have the figure of Wittgenstein that identifies this language as a linked tram of significaes to our life, that so to speak also could be seen as another tram. .

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