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Plasma Work

At the moment there is a low demand for labour, so that people who come to have a secure job are very few, the vast majority have a job that is in a tightrope. This allows companies require their employees every time more jobs that are held for extras without pay, require hours impose us an increase in the activities set out in the contracts we signed upon entering, requirements to achieve goals of excessive sales or productivity, which are linked to our salary in the form of commissions. Because of this our family, emotional and social relationships decrease drastically, is common that the children see their fathers, only at night, that father figures are grandparents and maybe remember their parents only by photographs. An alternative to this situation is to work independently as external staff for other companies, this gives us freedom to manage our time in the way that we want, but we have a big disadvantage. If we want to have more money, we will have to work hard again, this becomes in a vicious, which provokes, that at the end we work still more than in a traditional job. We all dream of being entrepreneurs, being the owners of our own time, without anyone to us of orders, opening and closing our business when we want. However this reality is very similar to the autoempleado, since now the liability of business fall on our hands, because we have the idea of if you want something goes well, you do it yourself, what will bring us as a result work more and have more responsibilities. What confronts us with Robert Kiyosaki in his book rich dad, poor is father that all must be responsible in managing our finances, we must be aware of two very important terms that are active and passive.

Explains in a simple way and without mixing the accounting definitions that: an asset is something that puts money in your pouch. Let us take an example. When we buy a House, it becomes a liability, for what reason?, good We’ll generate expenses, such as the payment of property taxes, the remodeling we do, etc. If we put them in income instead will generate extra income without that we work for it, with which we will have obtained an asset. A liability is something that takes money from your purse. For example: the Plasma screen we just buy, if we need money and we want to sell, we will always offer less of what we pay for it, by the use we already gave him, therefore its value always goes down. In the example of an asset, we realize that we require an effort to buy the House, but we saw the benefit in the time in which we begin to rent, because we are already enjoying the fruits of our effort. Therefore our primary objective from now on should be increasing our asset column.

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