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Rio De Janeiro

(Ibidem, 2006). The elaboration of strategies that are related with the sexuality is important and, although the difficulties that the school faces to fulfill its paper, in what refers to the work of sexual orientation, it must be prepared to exceed them. Therefore, the sexual development is part of the life of all human being, being lived deeply since the birth and, as such, must be inserted in the pertaining to school context of natural and compatible form with the necessities of the educators. Sexual orientation in the Practical school searched Pedagogical for the clarification of the sexuality the professor in daily of the school the paper of the professor 3 FINAL CONSIDERAES This research significantly contributed for our clarification and deepening on the importance to approach this subject in the pertaining to school environment, with the intention of to foresee and to alert sexual questions lived deeply by the children in pertaining to school phase. Ahead of these questions a bigger preparation of the educators becomes necessary to guide the children sexually. Many taboos still need to be broken. But we wait that these quarrels stimulate the professionals and the schools to search information and to implement proposals directed toward this purpose. The relative subjects to the sexuality, most of the time, vary as the etria band, the degree of escolarizao and the socioeconmico level of the group.

The sexual education, as a social process in the pertaining to school scope, could be analyzed as a process of transformation and change, that has left of a group project and reaches the individuals, each one with its particular search concerning the (s) sensible (s) of the sexuality. Therefore, the classroom can be a species of laboratory of possibilities of expression of the freedom, allowing that the pupils think and reflect on itself proper. (LOURENCINI, 1997, P. 94 – 95). BRAZIL REFERENCES. Secretariat of Basic education. National curricular parameters: Cultural plurality, sexual orientation/Secretariat of Basic Education. Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 1997.

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