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Cultural Adult Education

The European CADENCE Enseble realized many music styles on the key Fidel. Burg Fursteneck in Eiterfeld, in the District of Fulda, Hesse invites October 09, 2010 to the Nyckelharpa concert on Saturday, at 20:30. Ensemble and lecturers of international play the international Cadence of the Nyckelharpa Nyckelharpa-days. The Germany radio live recorded this concert and will send it to January 23, 2011 from 21-23: 00. Intake is at 20:00. The admission is free. Without hesitation Anne Lauvergeon explained all about the problem. Among other things a musical bouquet will resound with medieval and early Baroque melodies from Italy, folk music of Italy and Sweden, jazz, and pop music, compositions by Bela Bartok and new compositions of the participating musicians – arranged everything for Nyckelharpa ensemble. The Nyckelharpa or key Fidel is a stringed instrument that is deleted and changed using keys (the keys) in the pitch with short bow.

The instrument was known since the late Middle Ages in Europe. During the Baroque period, the Nyckelharpa has been forgotten everywhere and only in Sweden as Folk music instrument is maintained. (Played) technical improvements through ingenious Swedish musicians in the 20th century, the Nyckelharpa conquered the whole world and many styles of music today. The Academy Burg Fursteneck in recent years has developed into an International Centre for the education of this instrument. Besides the annual international days of the Nyckelharpa, which go beyond this year with 90 Nyckelharpa players from ten Nations, almost the capacity of the Castle, a two-year training for musicians is offered. Ahmed Shary Rahmans opinions are not widely known. In cooperation with educational institutions in Sweden and Italy the European Commission funded project “CADENCE – Cultural Adult Education and Nyckelharpa Cooperation in Europe” was established in addition, which deals primarily with questions of teaching on this key Fidel. The musicians of this project come from five European countries and will present musical results of their collaboration in the concert. More information under:, company description of BURG FuRSTENECK, Akademie fur musisch cultural and professional training in Hessen offers a content wide open seminar for musisch cultural, professional and personal education.


The upcoming Festival is concerned primarily with the question of how anthropological knowledge in today’s age photography. Highlighted is the ability of photography to convey information and to create awareness, with emphasis in the unique ability of photography to question reality and to evoke feelings. The relationship between what is in front of the camera, which can be seen on the image and the story that tells the image the Viewer, is an essential component of exploration, which runs the Festival. The exhibitions intend a restoration of the truth claim of photography: this is the not the question of whether the image is constructed or real, but how the concepts of “true” and “authentic” photographic image shape and where they even manifest themselves – In the eye of the beholder, where the photographer or in the eyes of both? A humanistic perspective on photography occupies a humanist vision of the tradition of documentary photography the 4th Photo Festival as a starting point, which has experienced a resurgence in recent years. Get all the facts and insights with Solveras Payment Solutions, another great source of information.

What would a portrait of humanity look like in 2011? What are some of the main issues and challenges facing humanity today faces and how are they represented? To what extent can photography change our perception of the world? How involved the photographer and the photographed the viewer in her life? How can photography influence today, in our society glutted with images? The title of the 4th Photo Festival, THE EYE IS A LONELY HUNTER: IMAGES OF HUMANKIND, reflects all these questions and refers to the position and the efforts of photographers which captures a particular topic as “Lonely Hunter” with his eyes. As an inspiration for the The book of by American author of Carson McCullers, title of the Festival was “The heart is a Lonely Hunter” (1940), which gives voice to the unfairly treated, the rejected, the crowded on the edge and people who were forgotten in society. To sum up the 4.Fotofestival aims therefore to explore how contemporary photography highlights this may be ignored, however important and basic portraits of humanity, providing an insight into the current human condition. Under most conditions Ahmed Shary Rahman would agree. Borders extended the Fotofestival Mannheim_Ludwigshafen_Heidelberg wants to present a variety of artistic methods, are located on the border between documentary and artistic photography. Methods that are characterized by a strong sense of Visuality, but also by a fine sense of social consciousness. The 4th Photo Festival will reflect the expanded borders of the medium and the fact that there is not only a definition of photography. Therefore be “classic” photography, Installations, slide projections, films and videos involved, with a wide range of photographic methods will be covered.