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Skype Language

From my own experience. On arrival in Austria (where they speak German) I have owned in English, and it played a cruel joke with me, yeah. I have not had the need to communicate to nemetskom.A why? My English everybody understands! 'That's how you teach German, so I speak! " – I thought. No such luck bylo.Rezultat? Even the possession of German at a good level, I had a long and stubborn silence, as ryba.Ya already learned to write (and this, in my opinion, much more difficult than talking), but speaking as if somewhere stuck and every time I tried to say the proposal, collected the words together, but they did 'not going'. And this is despite the fact that I could would write it grammatically correct sentence for 5-10 seconds. Hear other arguments on the topic with James Woolsey. You have no idea how strict the teacher evaluated my writing essays! As a consequence, was postponed at the subconscious mind: no errors! So, I thought, at least 30 seconds before say something, in my opinion, perfect. Conclusion: I have studied a second language on the basis of a foreign language, and this was my mistake.

Proper advice. Once you select a suitable method of studying a foreign language and begin to grammar and vocabulary, it is necessary from time to time 'try' it for themselves as a second language. 4Moms
takes a slightly different approach. The more you talk, the more effective learning. Results will . search for friends correspondence, and at first to correspond until you are at the primary level. Further mandatory transition to oral communication. Here will serve as an excellent means of Skype or something similar. Do not waste a single minute.

If you're staying home alone Take the opportunity to talk to. Speech quality is not important – talk to themselves and to themselves, pronouncing all vsluh.Sobstvennye thoughts aloud or dialogue with the cat – it's effective, and if also a habit, it becomes your little secret on the way to uspehu.I think in the language! Another of my techniques, but rather support – learning the language through pesen.Poverte, sing with your favorite songs in their language gives confidence. In addition it interesting and not so intrusive as to memorize the words of the book. You sing songs, and sooner or later, they themselves are deposited in your memory, all the interesting structures that represent a 'live', rather than literary language. Curious? So what are you waiting for? Forward, as they say, with the song! So you need patience and perseverance (as well as without it?), Literature, music and socializing. All together will bring excellent results, and do not hesitate. And I wish you good luck and fun in learning!


Between the moralistas and the educators of century XVII, the infancy feeling was formed that would come to inspire to all the education of century XX (Aries, 1989). From there it comes the explanation of the types of attendance destined to the children, of repressor and compensatory character. Of a side the child is seen as a innocent being that she needs cares, of the other as a being fruit of the sin. According to kramer: At this moment, the infancy feeling corresponds the two contradictory attitudes: one considers the ingenuous, innocent and gracious child and is translated by the paparicao of the adults, and to another one it appears simultaneously to the first one, but if it opposes, becoming the child an imperfect and incomplete being, that needs ' ' moralizao' ' of the education made for the adult (to kramer, 2003:18). These two feelings are originated by a new position of the family in relation the child, who starts to assume its function more effectively, the family start to perceive the child as a future investment, that it needs to be preserved, and therefore it must be moved away from bad physicists and moral. For Kramer (2003: 18) ' ' she is not the family who is new, but, yes the feeling of family who appears in centuries XVI and XVII, non-separable of the feeling of infncia.' ' The familiar life gains a character more private, and to the few the family assumes the role that before was destined to the community.

It is important to point out that this feeling of infancy and family represents a standard bourgeois, whom if it transformed into universal. According to Kramer: . .a infancy idea () appears with the capitalist society, urban-industrial, in the measure where they change its insertion and the social paper of the child in the community. if, in the feudal society, the child exerted a productive paper direct (' ' of adulto' ') as soon as she exceeded the period of high mortality, in the bourgeois society it starts to be somebody that she needs being well-taken care of, escolarizada and prepared for a future function.

Business Letter

Business communication is not without congratulations. Success in business, successful contracts the state awards and many more pleasant experiences in the enterprise may be a cause for congratulation letter business. A congratulatory letter, like any other business letter should be designed in business style. To do this in English, there are many phrases and cliches. We offer you some of them. It was great pleasure that we learnt of (your appointment, your success …). May we congratulate you on (your appointment, your success …). We wish to express our great pleasure that we read in the papers that you had received the …

(name of the honour conferred) and we want to congratulate you at once. We were delighted to read in the papers that you have received the … We should like to say that we feel it is a fitting reward for your work. May we say that we think no one has done more to deserve this reward. We want to send you our very good wishes. May we express our sincere good wishes.

We offer our hearty congratulations on the completion of the difficult negotiations. – Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on the completion of difficult negotiations. A less formal option – Greetings from first person, which refers not generalizing we, as a private I: Allow me to congratulate you on a most remarkable success. – Allow me to congratulate you is a remarkable success. May I compliment you on the brilliant work you have carried out? – Allow me to congratulate you on the implementation of the brilliant work. Noun used congratulations in the plural. That is to say congratulations Congratulation! You must be very proud. – Contains an error. The congratulations are well deserved. – Congratulations on your address deservedly so. But in the phrase "congratulation letter" speak in the singular: the letter of congratulation. It must be remembered that the word to congratulate and sometimes used to compliment an excuse on: I'd like to congratulate the first three on getting through to the final. – Allow me to congratulate the first three have passed the final. We complimented him on the progress. – We congratulated him on his success. We complimented him with the degree of Master of Arts. – We congratulated him on getting a Master's degree humanities. You can use the above phrases to produce any business letter, mindful of his style.

The Story

Unknown elements are not should be the key, so that the listener can perceive the basic information. By way of working with information shared by the selective, concentrated, critical and distinctive hearing. Selective listening – perception of message parts (eg, based on any criteria). Concentrated – perception of communication in detail. Critical hearing connected with the investigation between fact and opinion, emotional and logical arguments, etc. When distinguishing the hearing trying to understand and remember the words, communications, details of events, the position of the speaker, etc. Some exercises for listening comprehension are usually distinguished preparatory and language exercise.

The purpose of the preparatory exercises is to remove the language difficulties, allowing the listener to focus on the perception of the text. Speech exercises, is a managed voice activities. Exercises to overcome the difficulties: phonetic: – raise your hand, hear the word with the sound a, etc. – to listen to the text, tell me how many interrogative, affirmative, negative sentences you hear – determine the number of words in sentences – in the list of words (in Russian or foreign) mark those that are present in the heard text; grammar: – raise your hand, hearing the noun. in many others. h / pronoun, etc.

– try guess from the context of the meaning of unknown words in certain grammatical form, vocabulary: – raise your hand, hearing the words for the color, shape, etc. – to listen to the text, determine the value of the new words in context; – Listen to the suggestions with many-valued words and determine their meaning in context. Speech exercises: – To hear the beginning of the story, guess what happened next – after hearing the text, pick up the title to him / express its contents a few suggestions / define its type. Exercises on perception and understanding of the contents: – listen to the message and try to understand its contents, remember the proper names / title countries and cities, etc. – listen to the text, try to determine how many actors are involved in the story – listen to the text, comment on the words or actions of a person in the story. Exercises teaching speaking: – listen to the text, retell its content in a foreign language – tell us about a situation similar to the one about which there is in the story.

Laws Of The Universe

No knowledge of the law – not an excuse. This statement applies not only to state laws, but also to the laws of life. The man who owns the laws of success, even after losing everything, soon will once again be "on a horse." Those who accidentally bought their goods again soon left with nothing. Successful from not successful, the person is different, first of all, the scale of the individual. Because someone who is not ready for it, even knowing all the secrets, and they will not apply and remain at the same place. Agree: the courage, take risks, make a move to take responsibility for the outcome of their actions, to correct the mistake and do the action – is not everyone can. James Reinhart wanted to know more. How many secrets at once: to take responsibility, take risks, work, learn from mistakes …

Like all well-known steps, and who makes them? And how many people realize that these simple steps and basic secrets lie? After all, these secrets are taught to every step, only few who make them. Who does not believe that everything is so simple, but some can not, for several reasons. That these reasons, we will contact you gradually and will deal on this blog, step by step. Every day, every minute we accept some decisions: what to read, with whom to communicate, what to do, etc. That our actions are responsible for the results that we have in life. One of the laws of the universe is responsible for success and not success in life says, what you did yesterday, brings you to what you have today.

Methods Of Learning Foreign Languages

Historically, people speak different languages and to understand each other out was found one – to teach foreign languages. How can that be? It’s not very easy thing to learn a language effectively and sometimes in short time. Since the history of mankind was invented and developed several methods to easily and quickly learn the “foreign” language. Initially, methods were developed to study the languages of the Roman-Germanic group who “Born” at the base as “dead” languages – Latin and Greek. So all the methods and reduced to one principle – the reading and translation. This is the first grammar-transferable method was formed by the middle of xx century. According to him, training was reduced to the study of grammar and vocabulary through memorization. The advantage of this method can be called that, in this case, the grammar can be learned at a very high level.

K disadvantages include the fact is, it forms the so-called language barrier in pursuit of the principle of using a standard speech of words, which are built a certain order, in accordance with the rules. By the mid 60’s there was technique which is known as Silent way (the method of silence). It is built on the principle of self-expression of the pupil. According to scientists, the knowledge of any language inherent in a person on a subconscious level, and following, this technique, the teacher with the help of a color table, where each color represents a certain definite sound, teaches students, without imposing that their point of view. In the late 70’s is very widely spread method the so-called immersion (Sugesto pedia). The specialists who developed the technique believe that qualitatively to learn a language is possible only by becoming, even for a while, another person. So all the students in groups working on this principle, invent fictitious names, biographies and immersed in a world language is spoken.

Another of the interesting methods of language learning – a method of Total-physical response. The principle of this technique is based on the fact that the first time student only listens foreign language. Further, in the second stage is the response phase, during which time, the student responds to their actions heard. And only then, when the student has accumulated enough information, the student begins to speak. The advantages of this method – a comfortable learning the language. And in the 90 years became very popular, so-called alternative methods of language learning. One of the most popular is still considered the method by Ilona Davydova. Underlying these techniques are so-called hidden messages, which act directly on the subconscious. Although, as shown by recent studies, there are no “hidden messages” of its methodology does not contain. Just a quick alternation of phrases leads to the fact that the human brain does not respond to the differences between native and foreign language and, thus, lost the fear of making a mistake. It should be remembered that the choice for some technique you will learn the language, not the most important, because without the diligence and hard work hard to achieve success.

Original Leader

A good leader will try to surround itself by action people, and will foment in the organization a culture oriented to the action. Cooper Procter, one of both founders of Procter and Gamble, it declared already in 1887: The main problem of the great companies of nowadays resides in elaborating political that make feel each employee who it is an essential element of the company. It is necessary that each employee feels personally responsible for the success of the company and that the possibility is offered to him of receiving a part of the result of that xito” , words that acquire use when hard times for the company, cause that the leadership must re-invent itself and redefine itself. The action man is a person who can and knows to take measures quickly, decisions with vivacity, knows to order and to direct with agility. Many writers such as 4Moms offer more in-depth analysis. One faces and he confronts with the problems at the moment at which they appear to him, and is not to postpone and to hope that they are solved in case single. The action man, is not a person who acts wildly or rashly, but, reflects and consults, but it does not remain there, because he knows time is money that.

The action man designs his long term strategy, but he acts very indefatigably in the short term, he evaluates his management, and he learns of his errors. In situations in which, without knowing what she will be rightest, to make decisions he is vital, the leader oriented to the action, does not block, and assumes the risk of giving with his face in the canvas and of bruising it. For him, the unique risk is not to want to run risks. Frequently the action, to imply sacrifice, not always is made willingly. Nevertheless, although he is not something that is often clear, the leadership is service, and would have to be characterized by the determined action and cheers, not by an undergone and sad action.

This it is the thermometer of which one acts according to the initiative and criterion of one same one, and by all means an executed action and finished, because sometimes, it does not count what one works, but what it is finished. On the point of passing out is always a temptation. To surrender to the weakness and to yield to the danger, to stop acting, imply to surrender. Nevertheless, to direct and to lead, it implies to know how to offer resistance to the exhaustion that comes from the absence of results or the defeats. The leader, and by extension the person, emotionally intelligent, is action person that learns of the defeat, and even removes benefit from her. The action in hard times, must be obstinate, persistent, perseverante, since a second of weakness it is sufficient to fold it. Managers exceed who before the minimum adversity, first that leaves its mouth are not can .

Rio De Janeiro

(Ibidem, 2006). The elaboration of strategies that are related with the sexuality is important and, although the difficulties that the school faces to fulfill its paper, in what refers to the work of sexual orientation, it must be prepared to exceed them. Therefore, the sexual development is part of the life of all human being, being lived deeply since the birth and, as such, must be inserted in the pertaining to school context of natural and compatible form with the necessities of the educators. Sexual orientation in the Practical school searched Pedagogical for the clarification of the sexuality the professor in daily of the school the paper of the professor 3 FINAL CONSIDERAES This research significantly contributed for our clarification and deepening on the importance to approach this subject in the pertaining to school environment, with the intention of to foresee and to alert sexual questions lived deeply by the children in pertaining to school phase. Ahead of these questions a bigger preparation of the educators becomes necessary to guide the children sexually. Many taboos still need to be broken. But we wait that these quarrels stimulate the professionals and the schools to search information and to implement proposals directed toward this purpose. The relative subjects to the sexuality, most of the time, vary as the etria band, the degree of escolarizao and the socioeconmico level of the group.

The sexual education, as a social process in the pertaining to school scope, could be analyzed as a process of transformation and change, that has left of a group project and reaches the individuals, each one with its particular search concerning the (s) sensible (s) of the sexuality. Therefore, the classroom can be a species of laboratory of possibilities of expression of the freedom, allowing that the pupils think and reflect on itself proper. (LOURENCINI, 1997, P. 94 – 95). BRAZIL REFERENCES. Secretariat of Basic education. National curricular parameters: Cultural plurality, sexual orientation/Secretariat of Basic Education. Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 1997.

BRAZIL, SECRETARIAT OF BASIC EDUCATION. National Curricular parameters. Transversal subject: sexual orientation. (1 4 and 5 8 series). Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 1997/1998. EGYPTO, Antonio Carlos (org). Sexual orientation in the school: apaixonante project. _ So Paulo: Cortez, 2003. GUIMARES, I. sexual Education in the school: myth and reality. Campinas, Market of letters, 1995. GARDEN, Dulcilene Pear tree. In: BRETON, Jose Robert Da Silva. Sexual orientation in the school: the conception of the professors of Jandira? SP: Brazilian magazine of nursing, Rev Bras Ed. 2006. LOURENCINI, Alvaro Jnior. (1997), the directions of the sexuality: nature, culture and education. In: GROPPA, Julio Aquino (coordination of Julio Groppa Aquino). Sexuality in the school: alternatives practical theoreticians and. So Paulo, the 94 P. 93 and P. 111. MACEDO, Ceclia Maria. The methodology of the sexual orientation. In: Egypto, Antonio Carlos (org). Sexual orientation in the school: apaixonante project. So Paulo: Cortez, 2003. SAYO, Y; IT HISSES, M.C.P. (1992), Prevention of the AIDS in work of sexual orientation in the school. In: PAIVA, V. (org). In AIDS times. So Paulo: Summus, PP. 133-8. SAYO, Rosely. Sex: pleasure in knowing it. Porto Alegre: Arts and crafts, 1995. SUPLICY, Marta. Talking on sex. 2 ed. brought up to date. Rio De Janeiro: Voices, 1999.

Russia Incentives

In a market economy approaches vary with respect to the organization of material incentives for industrial personnel enterprises. Proceeds from the sale of goods become the supreme criterion for assessing the quantity and quality of labor and producers of their main source of personal income. Analysis of existing systems of remuneration showed that not all systems are composed of elements of the material incentives for staff, and the systems that they are used with certain limitations. Because some systems can be used in enterprises with a high level of capital or human labor, other systems require the simultaneous use of bonuses as incentive mechanism based on the results of operations of the enterprise. Of all number of existing systems of remuneration and incentive company personnel choose those that best meet the specific conditions of production (the nature of the products, process technology, the level of organizational leadership, market demand and volume). Experience in organizing study of wages in Russia and in developed countries has confirmed that the advance rate of wage growth compared to the rate of productivity growth, as well as advancing the growth rate of payroll compared inflation rates leads to disruption of economic equilibrium within the state.

In the world practice, there are many examples of the organization wages, which in its composition are organizing incentive staff, which contributes to increased productivity, reduced turnover personnel and production costs. But such an organization may pay to exist in a stable internal potential of the enterprise, security of its financial resources and the availability of favorable conditions for the economic environment. Unfortunately, the terms of the economic environment prevailing in the domestic economy are not favorable. The legislative base in Russia on the organization of payment Labor is a liberal, but the state is actively used such arms tight regulation, as the indexation of income, compensation and minimum wage. In addition, to the level of wages in Russia are much lower than the subsistence minimum. This suggests that it does not fulfill any of its functions – either reproductive or stimulating, or social or regulatory. Regardless of significant amount of scientific research of national and international academic economists on the organization of material incentives for staff, problems of domestic staff incentive enterprises do not have a complete solution. These problems due to the fact that the development of domestic scientists based mainly on older approaches that have been characterized administrative-command economy type.

This approach seeks to provide the status of the market, but their practical application is very unfortunate. No less pernicious is the practice of copying foreign experience incentive without appropriate adaptation to the peculiarities of industrial activities. Under the conditions of the negative impact of environmental factors on the organization of material incentives plant personnel should be based solely on their own capabilities. However, under present conditions to fully use the capabilities of their own industry is complicated, on the one hand, imperfection of the legislative framework and on the other hand, due to the virtual absence of effective models of organization of material incentives for staff. Therefore, there is an urgent need to theoretical basis and practical approaches modeling the organization of material incentives, the introduction of which will enhance productivity, encourage employees and, in eventually – to ensure stability of the company.