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Russian Mortgage

But services for re-borrowing to buy cars in the Russian market are a wonder. The lack of real proposals due to lack of demand. The amount of auto loan "at times" less than the mortgage loan, so many consumers are simply paying off the entire debt ahead of schedule (this is also a way to save on interest). In addition, the bank itself is not so advantageous to refinance auto loans – again because of a small amount at which it will not be able to earn as on the mortgage. Experts generally believe that for the sake of auto loan banks do not always advisable to take risks in lending, here, as in the mortgage there is a "collateral-free window" – a car can be sold much faster than the flat, fraudulent transactions with the "credit" cars today are not uncommon! In addition, information on how regularly the customer pays on the loan, not always available. The borrower may be malicious defaulters or during the first repayment of the loan (a year or two), the machine can not just get into an accident and the new creditor will receive significant damage deposit. This problem can be solved by estimating the current value of the car from the experts, but such a procedure entails significant additional costs.

And if you shift these costs to the customer, the transaction is unlikely to be for him advantageous. Taking into account all the risks, some representation of European banks in Russia offer refinancing services to motorists, but the scheme of this transaction differs from a mortgage. A client can request only a particular dealer (bank partner) to select his new car. Meanwhile, the credit institution is paying for his old car, and money from its sale go to the expense of a down payment on a new loan. So The bank saves itself from the risk of a "pig in a poke" as collateral. In a united Europe today is very popular service is the consolidation of family loans made at different banks. Suppose the head of the family for three years ago took a mortgage with one bank, and his wife two years ago – a loan on a car in another financial institution. The family is also payable by credit card in different banks (shopping involved!).

Repay each debt separately uncomfortable, besides the market every year there are more favorable credit offers. As a result, spouses are credit institutions, which agrees to pay all at once taken before their loans. Family savings on interest and monthly payments must now be made only in favor of one creditor. Russian banks debt consolidation has not yet engaged. The main reason is that the private lending market has very far from saturation, so much demand for this service will not Sergei Alexeyev.

Yandex WebMoney

Increasingly the Internet – portals support payment for their services through electronic currency WebMoney. Its popularity is entirely justified, because the combination of reliability, quality support services, favorable rates of exchange at other currencies elevate WebMoney to top e-commerce. Let us dwell on the topic of exchange rates. Exchange WebMoney to other electronic money is carried out through numerous Internet – exchangers, which in Today in the network or a dozen. Of course, there are certain ranges of courses, which control the rates of exchange. However, by monitoring the heat exchangers can be precisely to the penny (or pennies) to calculate the entire path of your funds. Choosing the best course, feel free to send money to the purse of another system, but remember some of the nuances.

Firstly, to date, WebMoney can only be changed by those currencies with which there is Binding purses banks.webmoney.ru. Many found this feature for the inconvenience, but everything is done only for the security of your account. Second, sending and receiving sides must be one and the same person. Here may also occur contradictions. However, those who lost their money because of hackers and scammers know that at this point there should be no objection. Third, the sender and recipient must be identified. It is obvious that those who transfers its assets and those who receive them, are certain stages of identification.

Otherwise, further operations are impossible. Following these uncomplicated rules, you can easily make the exchange WebMoney to other currencies The World Wide Web. Again, remember that it is extremely useful here will be monitoring heat exchangers. After studying all the courses on a particular currency, you can find really the favorable tariff, which will satisfy all your requests. Exchange WebMoney to any other currency can be done with some restrictions. For example, prohibited the automatic exchange WebMoney to LiqPay in connection with the complexities of security issues of translation. In this case it is necessary to contact operator and to exchange manually. In addition, a similar situation arises when you try to transfer the purse Yandex. Owners WebMoney commented as follows: "According to our data, or Google search does not ensure proper identification of the owner of funds that can contribute to illegal or questionable transactions. " In other cases, the exchange WebMoney to other electronic currencies is done without difficulty. So, summing up, briefly define the rules for exchanging WebMoney to other currencies: 1) Sign banks.webmoney.ru and tie all their wallets for the convenience and speed of transfer between them. 2) Before exchanging WebMoney into another currency to determine the most favorable rate with recipient of funds – the same person. If the identification of both the smallest differences are found, the system will simply block your metabolism. And remember that with any exchange WebMoney system, the services you have requested, will its a small, but significant percentage of the transaction. Use only proven exchangers, in order to avoid the scammers and crooks.

Mortgage Rates

Mortgage rates began to decline. However, mass mortgage still will not. On mortgage interest influenced the recent decline in refinancing, but bankers believe that the state should not blame them for inaccessibility mortgages, and to fight inflation and rising real estate prices. According to the latest Rosstroy, in 2006 the volume of mortgage loans twice the forecast and amounted to more than 220 billion rubles. "The plan is the amount of mortgage loans was was 108 billion rubles, "- said the head of Rosstroy Sergei Kruglik.

"Times" interviewed a number of banks and tried to figure out whether a mortgage has become more accessible to citizens. Hikmet Ersek usually is spot on. It turned out that different banks have different lure customers, but is a clear trend – the average rate decreased by 1%. The reason is not only that banks want to increase their customer base. "Times" has already written about how the recent decline in the Bank of Russia refinancing rate from 11% to 10,5% influenced by lower rates on deposits. And now came to mortgages. However, despite the increase in the number of granted mortgage loans and lower interest rates, the number of needy citizens in their own home does not go on decline. Mortgages still available in only a small percentage of the population. This is primarily associated with a high percentage of the loan. During a recent press conference, Putin said that the problems related to the mortgage "with inflation and cautious banks. On the question of why the mortgage loan at a rate of 11% can be taken only under the finished apartment, but not at the zero cycle of construction, Putin replied that it reflects the realities of today's Russian economy.

Residential Real Estate

Mortgage loans on residential real estate collateral is now becoming one of the most popular types of credit. Interest in this type of credit by consumers is growing, despite the fact that number of banks offering secured loans to buy apartments while the constraints. This kind of mortgage on the one hand it allows banks to restructure their bad loans, on the other hand enables the user to acquire housing at relatively low interest rate. Currently, interest rates for mortgage loans on collateral housing starts of 11%, with a relatively small down payment (10%). Click Jeff Gennette to learn more. Only lack of data lending programs is the limited supply of housing, but if you want you can pick up enough interesting variations, but also in favorable conditions. On the technical side deal is enough simple: if the loan is issued on the primary object of the real estate market is a contract assignment, if the loan is issued on the subject of the secondary property market, is a contract sale. If you are interested in mortgage lending in the mortgage housing on our site you can find current information on objects in the primary and secondary real estate market. Calling our company, you receive detailed advice on your question, and if you are interested in any proposal, the company Discount Finance will provide you with the necessary assistance in obtaining a loan..

Mortgage Loan

Banking institutions in order to minimize its risk in the early months of the crisis have been forced to change the terms of lending. Were significantly increased dimensions of the initial contribution (up to 30% -50%) and interest rates mortgages for apartments in Moscow, in addition, banks have to lend 50% -70 -% of the price, not the 90% -100%, as before. This led to the fact that the number of families that can afford Mortgages, declined sharply, despite the fact that the cost of apartments in Moscow for the last year has not changed. According to the Central Bank, the credit system of buying property in Moscow for the first five months of the current the year 2741 took the buyer (the total loan amount – 7.3 billion rubles). Governor Cuomo wanted to know more. Whereas in the past year, almost the same number of credits – 2176 – been issued monthly. It makes sense to take the credit if the dwelling is not acquired for the purpose resale, and to stay, given the fact that potential buyers are able to accumulate the amount of several million rubles for a down payment. On the background of the fallen of income for most Russians Mortgage lending can hardly be considered the best option of buying an apartment in Moscow. The reality is that to issue a mortgage loan today can be a family, the monthly gross income that is not less than 150,000 rubles, and at the same solvent family members believe that in the future of their revenues dwindle.. If you would like to know more then you should visit Jeff Gennette.