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Good Apartment

Before the crisis situation in which we are immersed (and without her also), many are the people who at the time of finding a house decide to bet by the rent of apartments. Western Union may find this interesting as well. ly. In particular, they show preference for this option because they do not enjoy the money sufficient to do in front of the purchase of a house and to the payment of a mortgage. By all this, it is essential that before carrying out this rent a series of questions considers to avoid not to fall in an error or a fraud, because lamentably the picaresque one is very present. We see some of most important: First before beginning the search it is to seat to us and to analyze calmly what we looked for and what economic capacity we must to be able to fix a price to us of maximum rent. Of this form, we will be able to carry out a task of more customized investigation. It is fundamental not to go with haste at the time of finding an apartment. The best thing is to go slowly seeing as it is the market, what offers and the conditions that are required. Of the same form this will suppose that we have time to visit an ample one number of buildings and we soon pruned to choose the one that better adapts to our requirements.

To shuffle with pros and cons what more as far as the form can interest us to find the house, or by means of real estate, particular or local plans of rent. To praise itself/pour off to only visit those buildings that fulfill our expectations as far as the monthly price of rent, location, dimensions and stays. At the time of the visit it is necessary to watch everything at great length, making special emphasis in the questions that affect as far as the daily development of the life such as the electricity, the water or the gas. He is advisable to ask, to clarify, how it would be the process to rent to the house from the contract to the monthly payment or the one of the corresponding invoices. It is important to know that the guarantee is obligatoriay the stipulated amount is of a month. In many cases, the proprietors of the house at issue can ask for the copy to us of a list or a endorsement. In main lines these are the advice who occur and who are due to consider before carrying out the rent of apartments because it will be the way to be able to realise this proceeding of the most satisfactory and effective way. Baqueira, Pas of the house, Vielha

Valencian Community

The Faults, celebrated from the 15 to the 19 of March, are celebrations full of tradition and enthusiasm that are lived in the city of Valencia and other populations of the Valencian Community, like in Calpe, celebrated from the 1983. Multitude of tourists the rents in Calpe take advantage of their vacations choosing to lodge and thus to enjoy their vacations mixing the celebrations that east municipality offers, next to the enviable climate. The rent Calpe apartments is varied and you will be able to find the one that likes you more to enjoy the falleros acts. Calpe is one of the animated destinies more of the coast of the Costa Blanca. The festivals that offer throughout the year are numerous, but in the month of March they emphasize the faults. The fallero monument consists of figures done of cardboard, wood and other materials, that elaborated carefully reproduce scenes of the daily life, always with an ironic message. During the days of Calpe Faults one becomes the municipality of the fire and the powder invading the streets of his old helmet and infecting the fallero atmosphere to all the people who approach up to here. The program of faults includes multitude of acts for all the ages.

The beginning of these celebrations marks &quot to it; The Crid" , since it is an act where the falleras majors announce officially that already we are in faults. Another very important act is " The Plant" , since it is the moment at which the falleros monuments stand. On the other hand, popular " Despert" it leaves without dream all that one that has not risen to enjoy the fallero day that begins. At the time of the breakfast, it does not lack " Chocolat" , where we can enjoy the fallero breakfast: chocolate with churros and doughnuts. The celebration of the faults finishes the 19 of March to 24:00 h with " Crem" when the monument created by the fallero artist burning fire. With the Cream, Calpe invites to all those to plan its following vacations to enjoy the celebration and the joy that express its people in one of the most famous festivals of the Valencian Community: The faults.