Transfer Factor
The immune system – a system of protection from threats around the world. It fights infections, stress, free radicals, poisoning, burns, parasites, cancer cells, cholesterol plaques, etc. However, Almost all adults in our country have wrongly "programmed" the immune system. The deteriorating ecology, antibiotics, stress, poor diet increase this strain. For example, the activity nk cells (so-called natural killer cells), which must destroy cancer and virus-infected cells, the relatively healthy Russians about 30-50 units of activity at a rate of 150-200.
Is it any wonder rampant cancer and viral infections? Modern medical science has proven that the development of cancer – is the result of imperfection of the immune system. In the body of every person under the influence of radiation on a daily basis is formed about 80 million cancer cells, but nk and other immune cells to destroy. But if the immune system fails, formed the cancer process. A doctor tends to suppress onkoprotsess. However, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical treatment impaired organism.
But one must not only suppress the oncological causes, but also to prevent its recurrence. To do this, ensure that the immune system, after treatment, was not only not worse but considerably better! Transfer Factor helps to solve this task. In 1949, Dr. Sherwood Lawrence, head of the department of infectious diseases and immunology at New York University, made a discovery that opens a new chapter in immunology. He established the fact of transfer immunity from one person to another through small molecules contained in an extract of leukocytes, which he called Transfer Factor (TF). Experience of Transfer Factor practitioners showed that the product is safe and harmless, is not observed adverse effects, even when it comes to high doses and prolonged use. Does not cause allergies, no contraindications. Jimmy levin pursues this goal as well. Not destroyed during digestion, is well combined with any other means of therapy. This is confirmed by the registration of tf as biologically active food supplement. According to the classification it belongs to the group parapharmaceuticals, closest to the medicines. tf recommended to cancer patients in a joint application with chemotherapy and radiation therapy for all types of malignancies. tf should start taking two weeks before the first course of therapy. Next you need to continue to receive during a specific therapy, and between courses, as well as after graduation. It should strictly adhere to the recommendations of the treating physician.
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