Types Of Glass And Uses
The glass does not only have to be thought as a functional material to leave the light in an area, but also it can be used to add decorative effect. But it is important to choose the certain type of glass for the certain place so that the final work is efficient, attractive and safe. The wrong type of glass used in the wrong position can be unsatisfactory and to present a serious risk for the personal security. Types of glass Have a number of different types of glass, in a series of standards and tonalities, and are important to decide which more are adjusted for one determined work. ComumEsse glass glass is made passing the glass melted through coils, this process of the one almost plain finishing, but the effect of the coils on the melted glass make some inevitable distortion. The glass can be used in windows etc internal, but the relatively low cost of the glass float (with its lack of distortion) tends to restrict the simple leaf glass for glasses of greenhouses and sheds garden where the visual distortions, do not matter.
Glass leaf it can be cut of a glass cutter and no special equipment is necessary. The glass is frequently available in the sizes standard to take care of ' standard' greenhouses, these sizes comparativily tend to be cheaper of what the glass cut to the measure. The glass float (plate) the glass float receives its name from the method from production used to manufacture it. The casting glass ' ' flue' ' on a stream bed of I tin casting – this produces a glass that is plain and without distortions. The glass float can be cut with a glass cutter and no special equipment is necessary. The glass float is adjusted for fixed windows and opening above of the height of the waist.
Consumer Guidance
To guide the pupils who are the future generation of consumers who packings of paper, cardboard, cans, plastics must be separate of the organic lixos to be recycled. To financially separate to the organic garbage of the reciclvel garbage aid the recicladores and moreover aid in the saving of the natural resources. In 2014 the lixes the open sky will be forbidden, therefore being that each Brazilian citizen produces for day about 1 kg of garbage a daily behavior will have then to become the separation of the garbage and the delivery a collection rank. Through the reduction of the plastic bags that add 5 wasted million substituting for bag you returned. The transformation of the garbage in job and income helping thousand of families and little degradation of our environment.
Research of the bibliographical, applied, exploratria character and of field, objective a investigativo study that to transmit to the pupils a series of activities and scientific research concerning the ambient education in Basic Ensino, examining the economic, social and ecological reality searching objective fixed for its development. The first procedures will be of comment of the problematic one, being after the definition of the quandary, questioning to the pupils through application of questionnaires and the direction what already it was made and which the measures are being taken regarding the problematic one ambient in the school. Elaborating through images in DVD, ways that these pupils are contributing with the ambient impact, inside of the school when notebook leaf papers play garbage in the soil mainly, how much this routine costs to the environment for the production of this material, the tons of trees that are knocked down, focando the time for all this garbage if to decompose in the nature. Searching to generate information with capacity to construct to knowledge on ambient education in the school, being education one of the best ways for the information diffusion. Being that information becomes knowledge when human being is perceived by the cognition and way he adds or he diminishes, he will be carried through lecture giving emphasis this question providing to all the pupils the possibility to acquire knowledge, values, attitudes, aptitudes, and the interest to protect and to improve the environment.
Implementation of pertaining to school garbage collection weekly, being collected for the proper ones showing the importance of these practical in pertaining to school environment. FINAL CONSIDERAES To the end of this research on the contributions of the construction of the ecocidadania in the pertaining to school environment, fit to make us an evaluation on our ambient conscience. The pupils had demonstrated full attention to the explanations same of concise form were possible to observe the behavior of same when acquiring the directions of the social values and ambient, answers satisfactory in relation had been made diverse questions concerning the subject getting the proposal of the research.