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Pestalozzi Association

The present article elaborated in the year of 2009 contextualiza the access of Beneficio de Prestao Continuada (BPC), as right of the users of the Social assistance, in the Pestalozzi Association of Campo Grande? MS. It was evidenced through social interviews carried through being 2008/2009, with the families of the Special School ‘ ‘ Ray of Sol’ ‘ , that it has increased considerably the amount of families who search the social assistant for access benefit to it. Ahmed Shary Rahman wanted to know more. To referenciar the work documentary research of the folders had been used handbooks disponibilizadas for the Social Service. Second a searches of the profile of the families of the pupils (), 66% of the families, receives BPC for person with deficiency (PPD), as criteria of the LOAS, law n 8,742, of 07/dez/93. WORDS KEY: Access. Social assistance. Benefit of Continued Installment.

INTRODUCTION This article we will go to detail the access to the BPC for the users of Pestalozzi association of Great Field. The documentary research has as objective to analyze the accessibility and concession of the benefited ones of the pestalozzianas families. We will mention the aspects easinesses and difficulties, in the process of revision of the BPC, being an important factor very. We know that the people with deficiency, considered incapable to survive alone or to be subsidized for a family, possess right to the one monthly minimum wage, and to set in motion this I benefit, is needed to prove the high familiar vulnerability and degree of comprometimento, caused for the deficiency. Considering the relevance of the programs of income transference, importance of the accomplishment of a research, detailed in the relation of the person with deficiency, considering the right guaranteed for law is noticed more it and that it needs to be had access.

The Solution

(U.A.Z. 78 years, 2009). According to that Martinelli says (2006, P. 14), ' ' a person can have worked during many years, however when leaving the market starts to restitute a category of not diligent, all its rights if they esvaem, shakes all arduously a personal and familiar life construda' '. U.A.Z. (78 years, 2009), it says that, ' ' I very felt for the fact to stop to work, …

now, without a doubt none, what I marked more me I was to need to stop of trabalhar' '. Before looking specialized aid, or if reporting to a professional with specific knowledge in the health area, in this in case that the doctor, with ability to deal with it form to find the origin of its pathology, the individual covers a long way for times, which we relate in them previously. However, the movement that the citizen makes to appeal to its next ones with the purpose to find the solution of its problematic one is not a fact that happens accidentally. The way to act in relation proper itself is fruit of factors that had influenced in its daily life, factors these that had not been constructed by he himself, but that already they were given when of its existence as ' ' ser' ' pertaining the determined group or society. Heller (2008, P.

115) it appears affirming that ' ' exactly the life most elementary would be unimaginable without imitation … the man is capable to imitate isolated movements and functions not only, but also entire ways of behavior and ao' '. The individuals act for consequences and instincts. The man acquires in elapsing of its development as subject to capacity to carry through its routine activities of form instinctive mechanics and. Spider (1993, P. 07) in turn communicates routines constructed in the daily one of the individual: ' ' it is dressed, it eaten, it thought, not as each one would like if dressing, eating or to think, but as the majority faz' '.