German Tags
Social bookmark German social bookmark what exactly is a social bookmarking service? A social bookmark German social bookmarks”is a kind of bookmarks in the Internet. Technically, these bookmarks thanks to the functionality of the browser can be used, so that the users of networks (Internet, intranet) thus can exchange information. “Now are many social bookmarking services” (“German social bookmarking services”) the Internet users all over the world and win new followers. What can a social bookmarking service, what can it be good? He is also a blog, a forum, a search engine, and more. Above all he offers an enormously wide range authentic news, events, facts. In addition, he has a very clear, fast and comfortable search function that works about the so-called tags (tags, categories).
The tags are sorted alphabetically and display by clicking on the list of Internet sites the user, which he otherwise would have to search through the search engines. Ever greater than the font of a tag, the more information is behind him. “There are social bookmarking services that offer topics from all walks of life, from A” for weight loss to Z “for accessories. Others specialize in specific topics again. Find one, for example, the special thing about it is that there are no limits to the number of bookmarks. How a social bookmarking service, how does he? The numerous links collections in a social bookmarking service be added by registered users. A link is provided which, they can back up through the bookmark function of their browsers. Unless they find something new, what you informative, exciting, important, can it use this link to add the link to the relevant Web page, even supplemented with your own notes. Also tags, they must create or change in order to classify their links. The most comfortable social bookmarking services offer many more features, such as comments and ratings of links, or the user, user photos, multilingualism Paolo Cabrera
Erento WINS Price
erento wins award in the category “best hire industry website of the year 2009” hire Association Europe erento awards a prize for the best website most important award of the 108 billion euros-great rental industry Berlin, May 11, 2009 on May 9 awards of excellence were held at the landmark hotel in London the hire 2009. erento won this year a prize for the “best hire industry website of the year 2009”. The leading trade organization gives this important award of the local rental industry in 15 categories for rental companies and landlords, the hire Association Europe (HAE), every year. erento membership received a prize in the category after a year for the best Web site. An independent jury of HAE assessed the achievements of its members and distinguished with the award of excellence outstanding successes and achievements. erento has clearly earned its price for one of the best sites.
Since October 2007, erento ( is represented on the British market. Since the landlord with about half a million are on the online market place 500 Represented rent articles from Great Britain. Already in April 2008 Association Europe joined erento as an active member of the hire, and this year the company won one of the major prizes of EUR 108 billion large rental industry. Morgan Stanley contains valuable tech resources. The award in the category best hire industry website of the year 2009 means a huge success for us. This prize crowns the hard work and the rapid growth of our rental marketplace in Britain.”so Chris Moller, founder and CEO of erento GmbH.
The hire Association Europe is an Association of the leading rental companies. It includes rental and rental companies in the UK and Europe. The organization brings together the different sectors of the rental industry. The members of HAE are rental of devices, equipment and machinery. The hire Association Europe aims to bring together all sectors in the rental business and to set their own standards. The HAE also offers its members instructions, standard contracts, legal aid, special insurance and Advice on. Us: The world’s largest marketplace for rentals on the Internet is erento rental items, 600,000 registered users and over 9,200 rental companies with over a million. If vehicles, a bouncy castle or garden tools can do everything cheap and uncomplicated in the over 2,200 categories to be hired. For six years, brings together tenants and landlords on the Internet and ensures that no wish remains open. The service is free for tenants. Who want to rent erento articles, pays a low listing fee and a Commission on successful mediation. Landlord thus opens on easy way new sales areas.
Internet Agency
To keep a corporate Web site up to date and relevant, it is sooner or later need to they undergo a thorough revision. Hamburg, 12.02.13 – for patients, doctors, surgeries, laboratories and clinics the amedes group with more than 2,600 employees at 35 locations in Germany and Belgium and established laboratory centres is a comprehensive network for diagnosis and treatment advice. Medes offers unique interdisciplinary medical diagnostic services as well as high-quality laboratory services in this form. As a specialist in the management of clinical laboratories, amedes serves more than 150 hospitals nationwide. To keep a corporate Web site up to date and relevant, it is sooner or later need to they undergo a thorough revision. No longer modern navigation and usability expectations, the layout is deprecated or integrated applications are not up to date. Medes commissioned the Hamburg-based E-Commerce and TYPO3 specialist atlantis with a media comprehensive relaunch of its Internet presence, to formulate and implement new claims. It was the clarity of the page, a more specific targeting, and the placement of the sensitive topic of health information in the foreground.
To further violations of the relaunch objectives, the Internet Agency conducted a workshop at amedes first. Here, a coarse relaunch concept was developed taking into account the Status Quo. On this basis, the new basic layout and the detail pages have been developed. Functions and old website based on TYPO3 already content were adopted and adapted to the new structure a – as well as visually. The new layout looks much fresher and more modern. A spacious impression is conveyed by the clear structure and large images.
While the new site presents itself tidy and welcoming, where the seriousness but not too short. Using the content management system TYPO3, the competent employees of the amedes can maintain content by hand. All changes can be initially created and tested before they are visible on the live site. To see. About atlantis media: atlantis media is an experienced full service provider for advanced Internet solutions. Founded in 1994, the Hamburg-based company has evolved into one of the leading E-Commerce agencies in Germany. From the outset, atlantis works media out of conviction with future-proof open source software solutions. Type various Web-business projects for the implementation, size and complexity of skills acquired over the years and a comprehensive know-how at the disposal are the service providers. Atlantis is a media specialist for modern online shops with the shop software Magento as well as high-quality websites, intranets and portals with the content management system TYPO3. This portfolio with the innovative CRM system by SugarCRM is supplemented in the important area of the customer and contact management. As an official partner for Magento, TYPO3 and SugarCRM has Atlantis media special expertise in the seamless integration of these solutions to existing systems and their connection to fully integrated business processes. This is true particularly in the development and implementation of interfaces and extensions. All of atlantis developed media solutions are appropriately planned and implemented with a focus on efficiency and growth.
Knowledge Management Solutions
Renewed Award from Q-Sensei by Initiative Mittelstand Erfurt and Brooklyn, NY, 12 April 2013 FeedBooster, powerful Web-based feed reader by Q-Sensei, is called “Best Of 2013” solution in the category knowledge management excellent. After Q-Sensei Q-Sensei enterprise has received the Innovation Prize IT for its enterprise search platform already in the year 2012, draws the Initiative Mittelstand another product as innovative IT solutions for the mid-market out. More than 4,900 companies have advertised in 40 categories for this year’s innovation award IT already awarded for the 10th time. A jury of scientists and industry experts here chose the winner, among others from the category of knowledge management, the solutions in the areas of business intelligence, knowledge management, knowledge engineering, idea management and innovation management includes. FeedBooster convinced this with the novel manner like relevant information easily and conveniently from the wealth of business news, RSS news and blog posts can be found. Based on the unique search and index technology of Q-Sensei FeedBooster helps users to keep topic exactly on track and to get valuable information from their RSS feeds. “We are honored again to be represented among the best solutions in the knowledge management, thank middle class and the jury for this award, the initiative” so Ute Rother, CEO of Q-Sensei.
About Q-Sensei Q-Sensei platform for search and analysis offers powerful multi-dimensional search technologies including a comprehensive enterprise search and search-based applications that can be better searches through large amounts of data, organized and made available. Q-Sensei was 2013 by the KMWorld magazine list of the “100 companies that matter in knowledge management” recorded. Q-Sensei was awarded the “2012 global enterprise search price performance value Leadership Award” by frost & Sullivan and was awarded by the KMWorld magazine as a “Trend-Setting Product of 2012”. In March 2012, Q-Sensei also received the innovation award IT to the Initiative Mittelstand at the CeBit. The Q-Sensei Corp. was founded in April 2007.
TWT Developed GSA Confluence Connector
Maximum functionality with real-time indexing Dusseldorf, 24 January 2013 – TWT Business Solutions GmbH has created an interface between the established and powerful enterprise wiki Confluence and the Google search appliance. The functionality of both technologies are intelligently combined for the benefit of companies. TWT has exclusively developed the TWT GSA Confluence connector. Confluence convinces its users in terms of functionality, usability, and support. As a collaborative platform for team confluence is used is who of the company by the who. Google Search Appliance users can now also full benefits the corporate wiki for themselves.
Confluence merges the usual quality of Google search and instant search users with Google search subject, but at the same time benefit from Confluence features like E.g. exporting content. The GSA connector ensures that the confluence content with excellent relevance can be searched. The TWT GSA Confluence connector provides the following benefits for businesses: of the two The highest functional value is drawn to technologies. Page content, keywords, comments and attachments are indexed.
Real-time indexing: The connector guarantees a real time filling of the Google search appliance index. The content from the GSA is fed directly in the search results of Confluence. Permissions for right role concepts are taken into account and that the quick early binding procedure. The authorization concept takes into account individual functions for optimal search of the confluence connector by each wiki page permissions determined and communicated in the form of ACL on the GSA. Speaking candidly Governor Cuomo told us the story. In this way the Google search appliance searches to determine which documents the seeker may see. More information about TWT enterprise search here: about TWT Business Solutions GmbH the TWT Business Solutions GmbH is a division of the TWT interactive full service Internet Agency. TWT interactive, founded in 1995, has its head office in Dusseldorf, Germany. The TWT business solutions is specialized in on the enterprise search business. Through the Google, expertise the solution puts its focus on information processes via Google search appliance. Customers include among others Deutsche Telekom, Robert Bosch, Barmenia insurance, Roland Berger and TuV Rheinland. Press contact: Hans J. Even Managing Director phone: + 49 (0) 211 601 601 20 E-Mail:
Knowledge Portal? Ask Yourself Smart! –
a new knowledge portal with strong content knowledge portals has good contributions and interesting content. On the new portal of knowledge? ask yourself smart! “The area evolved how” to the Favorites of visitors. “” “” The visitors to the site find posts on the topics of family”, finance”, garden and House”, as well as holiday travel”and technology / electronics”. To General topics, an area can be found also. “The areas of finance and insurance” and health “are very much in demand in the community. Who wants to know something about checking accounts, child dental insurance, sick allowance or insurance is Finance and insurance in the category”well be repealed. The reader will find competent assistance and explanations around the financial world.
The contributions on specialized sites, compare the offers, and give the reader a good overview. Insurance experts to help the reader with important information about prevention and insurance. Questions will be answered in the comments and pointed to legal conditions. Readers who are looking for information about their well-being are in the field of health”highly lifted. Contributions to the treatment of nose bleeds, visitors will find in the category health”fast help with minor wounds and bruises, and tips for fast treatment of heartburn. The advice of the authors are clearly written, and are easy and fast to implement. The community will evaluate the published contributions and readers leave comments on articles. ask yourself smart! -a knowledge portal that knows how to convince by good posts on interesting topics.
Managing Director
Hosiery and fashion label Falcon commissioned online solutions Group (OSG) with the complete marketing of the Falcon online stores Munich, 04.12.2012 – the Munich-based full service agency for online marketing online solutions Group (OSG) is their online stores by the Falcon group with the complete marketing”has been commissioned. The contract for the national full service online marketing could be won thanks to a convincing presentation and shown competence in all areas of online marketing. The OSG Falcon receives offered all services in the future from a single source: the job includes search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) also usability, conversion optimization, display advertising, mobile advertising, affiliate marketing, social advertising and retargeting. Falcon is one of the leading providers for hosiery in Europe. Falcon also offers also sport apparel, menswear and accessories. Products of highest quality and sophisticated design combine with the name Falcon. FALCON generated a turnover of more than EUR 240 million and employs over 3000 staff 2011.
Florian Muller, Managing Director of the OSG: We are pleased that we must take over the complete marketing for Falcon and thus our in-depth online marketing expertise in the fashion and lifestyle segment is rewarded. “Our experts will Falcon in achieving their objectives in the E-Commerce work continue with much passion and creativity to support actively.” About the OSG: The online solutions Group (OSG) from Munich is a medium-sized Agency for complete and customized solutions in the field of online marketing. In addition to the classical Agency services like SEO, SEM, affiliate marketing or display provides advertising the OSG also online shops and E-commerce solutions to. The OSG markets including the online shop of textile discounter NKD and operates the search engine optimization for s.Oliver. Painted Daun
Emandu Communications Economics Portal Launches For South Westphalia
emandu communications, business portal for South Westphalia region starts on March 15, 2010 at the address launches its new business portal for the economic region of South Westphalia. Daily news, articles, interviews, company presentations are just a few of the topics with which aimed platform entrepreneurs, Managing Director, freelancers, and senior executives from all sectors. As Germany’s youngest region South Westphalia shortly after the merging of the districts of Hochsauerland, Markischer Kreis, district Olpe, Siegen-Wittgenstein and Soest in the year 2007 by the land of North Rhine-Westphalia for the alignment was chosen regional 2013 and has set goals: South Westphalia, home of numerous industrial world market leader of various industries, to distinguish Europe as an attractive living and economy and standards for quality and innovation in the development of the landscape and settlement space, in the infrastructure, culture and Put economy. Behind the regional online business portal is emandu communications from Ludenscheid, a communications agency with a focus on online marketing., which has added to already-nationwide networks, would strengthen emandu communications now also the regional network in South Westphalia. “” This attack the “makers” of emandu communications on more than twelve know-how in the field of online media”back and be the South Westphalian companies on” in a regular special “providing practical tips around the Web 2.0 and mobile Internet. We introduce companies from South Westphalia, interview chefs and publish news that move the regional economy”, describes editor Jens Schluter the approach of the new platform. This of course also what is happening around the regional is 2013 keep finding their place”.
In conjunction with the portals in other metropolitan areas, one can in addition overarching topics offer some interesting facts about corporate governance, finance, law and taxation, marketing and PR. Brilliant business ideas to find as their place as lifestyle issues, book recommendations, or restaurant tips. Here our experiences with the StrategieCentrum Sudwestfalen benefit of course us, that we have established and successfully positioned just a year after the start in South Westphalia”, explains Jens Schluter, owner of the Agency of emandu communications. Through the connection of one of the most successful strategy networks to the South Westphalia platform of portal we can create a comprehensive pool of information for the companies in the region, which starting with regional economic news, funding and promotion, organization or cooperation includes everything about practical tips and news to the areas of seminars around strategy and corporate governance,”. Since its launch in March 2006 has become to a versatile Online news medium developed with nationwide more than 400,000 readers per month”, reported the Cologne platform founder Christian Weis. I am pleased that we can now cover a further, economically strong metropolitan area with South Westphalia”
Manifest Video Channel By Julia And Alexander Nastasi
Manifesting 2.0 – the law of attraction in the year 2009 manifesting it is mental programming, the secret, surprisingly, how little most people know other terms are the law of attraction, Mentalcoaching, positive thinking, but always it manifested his life to something that every day he makes every one of us. It determines how it goes. Now it is solely up to you whether you want to live in the future in the day, want resulting your destiny or the coincidences do not exist from a scientific point of view or whether you’re on into new realms, in the active, positive manifesting of your life of Julia and Alexander Nastasi launched a portal to do this over a year ago, in which the participants with the resources of the Web 2.0, so the active Internet in a very short time to the success of run. While everything is possible, you can really imagine. This unique programme in German language manifesting 2.0 is released and available in bookstores now book and every day is a free manifesting motivation video on the YouTube channel of seminar services from Heidelberg, Germany. To join and changing your life, the sooner you start, the longer have something like this, in the week of June 22, 2009 in seven videos, to the popular subject of money how can pull money into your life, as can make it, pay fewer bills? Manifesting to participate, stop by and subscribe the videos free. The YouTube channel see marketing Nastasi find owner Alexander Nastasi forest road 25/1 69207 sand Wallace Tel: 06224/924255 fax: 06224 / 924259 specializes in Web page portal and seminar organization marketing Nastasi, in the online area of the basic course of manifesting, in which participants learn to pull the power courses desired weight, health events in their lives using their thoughts and love that deal again deeper with the respective topics are currently seven different themes available and as external teacher a job and an online course by Christian Reiland, author of the book of the law of attraction LOA appeared in the Goldmann Verlag ISBN: 3442337992. Alexander Nastasi is author of four published books, including the motivation book was your own miracle”, appeared in the novum Verlag ISBN: 3852510929. is book up-to-date the manifesting 2.0 by Julia and Alexander Nastasi in June 2009, it is available under the ISBN 978-3-8391-0638-9 in bookstores.
YouTube Videos
With video marketing achieve the right audience – in of yQom yQom’s YouTube channel YouTube channel in April about 13,000 spectators. Every day approximately 480 videos on the YouTube channel provided, and rising. It presents yQom the movies of its customers not only on YouTube, but depending on the demand on up to 13 other video and business portals on the Internet. This once enormous increases the range of films. The comprehensive video presence on the Internet has the positive effect of a better search engine positioning on major search engines. The target group of B2B customers served excellent on the yQom YouTube channel. Especially the age group of 25-55 years of age regularly visits the channel to find out about the latest developments in the various sectors, and to get an overview of the activities of competitors. The age of the target group guarantees customers of yQom the desired attention to their potential customers.
The YouTube channel aims its B2B orientation conscious visitor this age. In addition to the high number of viewers in the desired target group, a corporate video on the YouTube channel of yQom offers the benefits of search engine optimization. The cost of a marketing video on the Internet are manageable and ensure a high ROI of the marketing investment. Combined with a broadcast on television networks with relevant audience a video is a very powerful medium to present the company or a new product of the desired public. Contact: yQom GmbH Mr. Sven Breitschaft Wang Edward str. 7 64295 Darmstadt