Business Administration
Even if your hands retain the scars of the problems and misunderstandings can thank your lips. While bitter tears upon your face, you have a heart to love. Although you do not understand, in the sky have booked a place. Everything, Everything … depends on your trust in God and your determination to be worthy son. Project your life From inside you, there will be a miracle! Take time to work, is the price of success Take time to think, is the source of power Take time to love and be loved, is the privilege of the gods yourself time to play is the secret of perpetual youth Take time to read, is the foundation of wisdom Take time to dream, it’s like hooking your car a star yourself time to make friends, is the road to happiness Take time to look around, the day is too short to be selfish yourself time to laughter is the music of the soul Remember the good when the sky is gray: Remember when you saw a deep blue. When you feel cool: Think of a radiant sun that has warmed you already. When you suffer a defeat, remember your triumphs and your achievements.
When you need love: Revive your experiences of affection and tenderness. Remember what you lived and what has been happily recalls the gifts I have, the kisses that I have given you enjoy the scenery and the laughter that you have emerged. What you what you have achieved, and we can win again. Rejoice for the good you have and what others, rejects the sad and painful memories, do not hurt yourself more. Think about the good, lovely, beautiful as the truth. Walk your life and stop where you have beautiful memories and emotions healthy and live it again. Shows you excited that evening.
Revive that caress you were given spontaneous Enjoy peace again you’ve known, think and live well. There in your mind all the images are stored and only you decide what you re looking