Dan"/> May, 2015 | Metroplex Mortgages

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Special Tooling: Contact Exchange For Special Tool Producers And Users

The new business portal deal4tool helps the companies to need special tools to find the right manufacturer. deal4tool is the name of a new business portal, which aims to bring manufacturers and users of special tools, in particular in the areas of drilling and milling in contact with each other. In the HPW Habbershaw prazisionswerkzeuge GmbH, Hurth, operated online portal companies that need a special tool, can describe their requirements for the tool in anonymised form. This, the manufacturer can then respond also anonymously matching offers. The offerings are initially collected and then redirected in an overview of the interested companies. “” Until a deal is reached, the identity will be the deal’s “, so the company that needs the tools, and the identity of the holder of the deal”, so the company that produced the tool revealed. As the target group on the deal side of the portal Dirk Habbershaw, owner of HPW Habbershaw prazisionswerkzeuge GmbH, has among other things Companies in mind, that not every day will need special tools and which lacks the technical background, and the corresponding market overview; Furthermore, the frequently special tools need, whose Lieferanten can offer but does not respond to the situation. On the deal workers hand, hail mountain provides specialized tool manufacturer, are looking for new customers, and those who temporarily need jobs for example because their resources are not just busy.

Ultimately, deal4tool according to the strategy guide Ulrich Molter, au am Rhein, who helped develop the business portal, Hagelberg, works much like a single stock. “” It brings together partners who otherwise probably never would get know each other, in a time-saving manner, and provides an appropriate matching procedure “in advance, ensure that these fit with certainly together”. In this respect the portal according to MacLellan in terms of tooling a real novelty “represents. deal4tool works like this: suppose a company needs a special T cutter to manipulate a machine bed or a special step drills solid carbide, for example.