Private Cloud In The Data Center By AS/point
“AS/point data center for ERP customer data security, flexibility and cost control ubach-Palenberg, October 2011: ERP vendors AS/point offers its customers a private cloud” in the modern data center with 99.99% reliability. Especially for small and medium-sized providers, outsourcing offers advantages in terms of cost, flexibility and especially security the goods economy. Hikmet Ersek is open to suggestions. With the acquisition of the customers ERP hosting, data security is the core business for AS/point. Ahmed Shary Rahman is likely to agree. A State of the art data center stands for high availability and capacity, 99.99% reliability and uninterrupted support. The outsourcing of inventory management in the data center offers customers or even newcomers, who want to work with an ERP solution for the first time, a number of advantages AS/point.
A package solution helps to get a fast start elaborate installations locally there is no. Initial investment, otherwise often represent a barrier for smaller companies that are eliminated. Scalable rental models grow with the customers with precisely when they need it. The cover of an ERP solution in the AS/point data center also ensures that users have automatic access to updates, releases to the latest version or regulations are no longer an issue for the user. Essential additional data security remains the main argument. We ensure our customers’ current ERP software, which is immediately available in the hosting service without capex and flow, explains Wilhelm Krahe, IT consultant, AS/point. In our data center we can offer also the ultimate data safety, that no small or medium-sized business owners with own resources could muster.” The redundant power supply is in addition to the reliable air conditioning on the main features of the data center. Therefore, each server rack is powered by two independent circuits, an emergency power unit (diesel) secures 72 hours at full load in addition.
Per rack, air conditioning provides a maximum cooling capacity of 12 kW to the Available. Temperature sensors monitor the distribution of heat in the data center and alert when exceeding the set temperature. The data center has also a fully redundant ATM / Gigabit outdoor connection through separate carrier, a variable a choice structure, as well as fully redundant backbone routers. Physically perfect, fire detection system, intrusion detection system, access control and video surveillance secure the database. When malfunctions or failure, a monitoring service notifies around the clock. Marc van Heiss
Risks And Barriers To IT Modernization
The risks are known the barriers lie somewhere else! You can put the head in the sand because it is quiet and it is happy. Then, also, you can see not the looming fiasco. You can smell not the slightly acrid smell of burning fuse at the time bomb on which it sits. At all understanding: Doing nothing certainly improves nothing. Consider: what happens if is nobody dares to identify possible errors and risks? What, if the chance is missed, just in time to do something? What technical and financial – adult consequences thereof? What a start for the man who himself dares to analyze risks and solutions to demand! The continued existence of an enterprise often depends on how well the internal IT works. Many elaborations, and many others received on the need of efficiently running applications, ability to adapt to changing requirements, rapid and accurate data for decision-making, transparency of the structure and processes exist for this topic. Enhancements, additions, etc. make historical unique from different languages, platforms, and applications each system a feat of the programmer! No wonder that IT managers get goosebumps when it comes to the topic of IT modernization: Who dares approach to such a structure? Who has risked a well driven – often only apparent – stability? What is if after nothing else works? So is adjourned.
Better: do the right thing in small specific steps and the most important first. Then it says define risks and to tackle the greatest risk first. Legacy problems such as high staff costs, increasing maintenance costs, low speed, slow data access, poor Web access are well known. Much more important are the economic, strategic and personal barriers to IT modernization: necessary investment cost for the IT modernization understandable reluctance, but looking to the future! Modernization projects at a fixed price”- how much Sense of security raises that to you? Risk for the business correctly when a new system is introduced under pressure, the probability of failure is very high. Timely transition stands for safety (the old system is still running), relaxed work (there is nothing left), plenty of test runs and room for improvements. Time problems first of all: nobody really has time to take care of additional projects. The crisis”may not sound, but why not actually that (unfortunately) free time for meaningful projects use? A downhill followed by an uphill. In the Valley, you can oversleep the consolidation of the economy or use.
Validation aller production processes and cost structures, systematic search for new markets and customers, and IT sure make sustainable! Information demand and service of the IT service provider should be not only a supplier, but also technical and strategic consultant. Shoulder-to-shoulder with a partner from A like analysis to Z like Satisfaction. EasiRun Europe knows the risks, has the tools, experience, and knowledge, and has deep understanding of the barriers of those responsible in the corridors of our economy. Against this background, we develop together with you the correct for you and appropriate strategy. Why wait until first risks are serious business problems? Speak with us about your visions and dreams of open architectures, virtualization and Green IT. Many roads lead to the modern world – EasiRun accompanies you! EasiRun Europe GmbH Stockheimer track 20 61250 Usingen 06081 phone 916030 fax 06081 916049 E-Mail Usingen, October 8, 2009
Federal Association
OSIS passes this with the corresponding PDF file to the LurTech compressor which then converts the PDF invoice in a PDF/A file, embeds the ZUGFeRD XML file, and also creates the necessary metadata. The result is the ZUGFeRD-compliant PDF/A-3 Bill that can be sent electronically, via OSIS by email to the invoice. About LS GmbH, founded in 1987, society for logistical Systeme LS GmbH headquartered in Syke in Bremen is a competent provider of EDI and EAI solutions. It offers services and products for the integration of business processes in the it applications, in-house and across. Depending on the request, the service includes the analysis and advice, the creation of the solution concept, the realization of the IT-system integration, user training and support for the operation of the system. OSIS, a product of LS GmbH, is the business integration Server that performs the networking of application systems in EAI scenarios, and also in the internal application systems integrated EDI.
OSIS allows the ‘small’ entry about a base package and the gradual expansion to the professional integration platform. Depending on the integration tasks are more complex, more heterogeneous, the IT-is infrastructure, OSIS’s performance with regard to quality, safety, flexibility, documentation, maintenance, speed is more amazing the project implementation and a massive time and cost reduction. LS has experience from different sectors. Focuses on the services in the sectors of trade, transport & logistics, production (procurement, production, distribution) and banks. Reference customers include E.g. REWE information systems GmbH (Cologne), ZF Getriebe GmbH (Brandenburg), FRoSTA AG (Bremerhaven), Eurogate (Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Wilhelmshaven), VoB-service GmbH, company of the Federal Association of public banks in Germany (Bonn), Fraport AG (Frankfurt) and many more.
The LS GmbH is certified SAP software partner since 1996. LurTech: LurTech provides production software and document and data conversion solutions accompanied by customized services and outstanding support. Service and other companies and organizations get the most out of all means of production with LurTech as a partner.
With the application on-hand Viewer can be MPDS4 system models through a FTP server on the iPhone or iPod touch download and sift Moers, Germany February 3, 2010: Project Manager on a construction site have usually a stack of technical drawings in the luggage. Based on this, you can check whether the built plant or factory is equal to the actual planning. This task would fall to them often much easier if always and everywhere would have access to the current planning data. With MPDS4 CAD Schroer and the iPhone or iPod touch application on-hand Viewer is now possible. The exported and created in the professional system construction software MPDS4 hybrid can now on hand Viewer for the iPhone or iPod touch in the back of the hand are taken to the construction site with the help of the application. Plant construction and factory design: products/MPDS/r/112 on-hand Viewer iPhone app the functionality of the application on-hand viewer of MWF-technology supports the detailed views of the plant exported from MPDS4 or factory models directly on the iPhone or the iPod touch. While each model file from an FTP server on the mobile device can be loaded and invoked directly. The planning data is accessed via a stationary Wi Fi network, or thanks to the mobile Internet from almost any location. iPhone and iPod touch owners can test the on-hand Viewer free in the Lite version and only then decide for a full version. Learn more about the on-hand Viewer: h CAD/mechanical_engineering.html (iTunes is required for download) MPDS4 and on-hand Viewer video: MPDS4: plant and the actual plant factory planning and factory planning requires the use of professional software. This must the complexity of individual plants are planning and depicted in many different ways. MPDS4 CAD schroer is such a complete solution for all task fields of plant engineering and factory planning. The database-driven CAD software for the construction of the plant helps the user Planning and the realisation of complex projects. In systems running the entire pipeline construction, steel construction or all 3D models and vendor data plan, visualize, implement and document. Learn more about MPDS4: products/MPDS/r/112 on CAD Schroer CAD Schroer is a global developer and provider of engineering solutions. Company of mechanical and plant engineering, automotive and supplier industry, as well as the public utilities, energy and water management are its target market. With several branch offices and subsidiaries in Europe and the United States the company presents itself today more and more up-to-date than ever. CAD Schroer’s product range includes solutions from the area of construction, plant construction, factory planning and data management. Companies in 39 countries rely on MEDUSA, MPDS and STHENO / PRO to move efficiently and flexibly in an integrated design environment between all phases of product or system development. In addition be supported by services such as consulting, training, maintenance and technical support in achieving their objectives customers.
Web Business
Far-reaching innovations of the abas business software of Karlsruhe, September 15, 2010 – in Hall 5 stand C55 ABAS and the abas software partners on the present of the 26.-October 28, 2010 in Stuttgart fair IT & business again many highlights and innovations around the abas business software. Mobile access to abas ERP, a methodology designed specifically for mid-sized companies, which allows to expand globally into new markets with the abas business software, extended functionality in the area of CRM and new abas eBusiness features will be presented among others. Hear other arguments on the topic with Hikmet Ersek. Mobile access to the abas business software, mobile access to corporate data must be possible at any time. The user, as well as various mobile devices should be supported. A novel user interface of abas eB will do this in the future. A comfortable editing, for example, tasks, notes, and customer data is possible with laptop or Smartphone all over the world and at any time. New assessment procedures available a clear, transparent, well structured Rating interface is the basis of a common data base for material valuation, valuation of manufacturing performance and pricing.
New assessment procedures are now available in the abas business software. Cost estimate for repair order carrying out repair jobs should be quick and easy to do. A timely in abas ERP, detailed cost estimate facilitates decision making and speeds up the service process. All entries are considered for the subsequent billing. While the system indicates the user deviations from the original cost estimate. Improved services thanks to new abas eB shop features many new functions of the abas eB webshop is waiting. So the catalog infrastructure for an optimal search engine ranking has been prepared, a variety of media and services such as incorporating product videos to catalog articles allow an active Web marketing. Now possible article reviews improves the quality of service for each webshop customers.
More Cloudy Prospects As Crystal Clear Reality
ecenta alleged megatrend cloud computing look at cloud-based call center initially as a niche solution Walldorf, April 21, 2011″has captured well the contact center industry. Some media and providers already sing the Requiem of the current telephony and see the silver bullet in cloud based call centers in the near future. “The ecenta AG from Walldorf warns however, to copy the existing technologies and salvation in the cloud” to search, representing a meaningful alternative opinion of the company currently only for a small number of call centers. Numerous advantages, which are performed regularly by the cloud advocates in the field, are available according to the ecenta AG already for a long time even with conventional IP solutions. No doubt, cloud computing will have an impact on the contact center industry. The relatively clear up-front costs are certainly an argument for.
Nevertheless, this development is still at the beginning, and there is still a lot of education and persuasion be necessary before cloud-based call centers are spread further. Technological aspects, not to mention”, explains Joachim Schellenberg, senior business development manager EMEA for the ecenta AG. We see in many companies still, companies feel simply comfortable, if they have their telephony at least to a certain extent even under control. From my point of view managed services or also dedicated hosting will be so in the medium term demand than cloud solutions.” The operating model of managed services”installed the systems at the company’s site, are but operated by an external service provider, maintained and updated. Dezidiertem hosting”the server of the telephone system are while in the data center of the service provider, the company knows however exactly where the systems are operated and where, for example, critical customer contact data is stored. For cloud solutions, this is not given. Some providers give as key advantages of cloud-based telephony solutions for contact centers Ability to integrate existing systems such as CRM and ERP, as well as existing PBXs.
Profitable Lending Business
Banks need powerful software to efficiently map your business model, falling margins in the banking sector require an efficient credit software by orientation of the credit economy on classical divisions leading causes a fierce competition of banks in the lending business, the credit margins falling parallel to a lower level of interest rates in the wake of the financial crisis. In a recent study (March 2013), Boston Consulting Group assumes that pressure on margins will continue in the coming years through, inter alia, the entry of another competitor and phasing out high-margin old construction financings, as well as falling interest rates for disposition credit. Is all the more important for ensuring a profitable lending business – especially in the face of high processing and risk cost – efficient processing of credit processes, which necessarily presupposes the use of credit software based on the workflow of credit sales and market order. Credit software: the workflow a modular credit software based module solutions opens up in the retail such as cost synergies in the individual lending much-needed and facilitate compliance with the requirements of 25a of the KWG and minimum requirements of serving his clarification for risk management (MRisk) of Bundesanstalt fur Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht. Credit software oriented to the workflow supports the credit consultants already in the initial conversation with a customer during data recording, creating interest and repayment plans, as well as at an effective interest rate calculation corresponding to the statutory requirements. Redundancies are a matching avoided between a stock and an application database.
Credit decisions are facilitated by the decision blocks in accordance with the Bank defined and prescribed regulatory criteria contained in the credit software consultants and credit officers. A modern credit software supports not only in credit new shops, but accelerated editing by prolongations. Collateral valuation by credit software ensure standardized approach taking into account all relevant positions. Credit software, who always provides an up-to-date overview of all collateral, collateral can be dealt with effectively and also released. At the optimum pressure management of credit software relies on a centralized form management, a user can access the back according to his individual permission. In addition, the credit software ensures a proper archiving of loan contracts.
Last but not least, the software allows the permanent creation of credit sales and risk management controlling as well as (serve the preparation of strategic decisions) analysis of the loan portfolio. Flexibility is ensured by standard and individual modules achieve an optimal price/performance ratio by a software module offers the building blocks relevant for a credit institution can be selected from the. The diverse forms of bank credit (such as MRP loans, Consumer loans, mortgage loans, loans against securities, business loans and investment loans), supplemented continuously due to product modifications and product innovations, and require different strategies of Bank lending credit exposure to swarms above all software modules for individual lending and for intensive in addition to a standard software for the retail business. Credit software must also prove their flexibility given frequent changes of credit construction organizations and work processes in the lending business. New strategic risk assessments within a Bank and advanced regulations can lead to altered requirements on a software for the credit business. This required increasing software adjustments – perform cost provided a modular credit software by external software vendors than is usually possible with internal solutions.