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Balance Of Loans

In December, the balance of loans with behind payments age of R$ 38,7 billion. In the passed month, this number had fond the R$ 47.1 billion. In the same period, the total of financings offered for the banks went up only 1.7%, Thanks to this movement, the insolvency tax went up in such a way in the commercial financings – as personal credit, guaranteed check and loans of capital of turn for companies as in those regulated by the government – as agricultural, habitacional credit and financings of the commented BNDES.Conforme previously, the high one of the occured insolvency in April if it concentrated in the credit for companies. Between the physical people, the tax passed the same of 8,4% for 8,2% in period, but the fall is explained more because of a statistical effect of what for a jib in the tricks. This because the BC calculates the insolvency as being average of the delay of each modality of existing credit in the country, proportionally to the amount of money put into motion for them. In April, the search for financings of vehicles (excluding leasing) and for guaranteed check fell. E, as they present the biggest taxes of insolvency, its weight in the general level of delay also fell, knocking down the average. Taxes in quedA good notice is that the interests are keeping trajectory of fall initiated in the start of the year.

The average of interests of the referencial credit in April was of 38,6% to the year, front 39.2% to the year that had invigorated in March. In the segment of physical people, the average tax in the last month was of 48,8% to the year, front 50.1%, in March. In the credit to the companies, the interests in the last month had been of 28,8% to the year, front 28.9%, in the previous month. It is a shy fall, but it represents a well distant tax of the annual peak of 31,4% of November of 2008.As main taxes of interests of the loans for the physical people had fallen down disastrously from a high place in April.

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