Powerful Social Web
How does one customer-oriented employees? Motivated employees are the guarantee for satisfied and at the same time loyal customers. But unfortunately, this is not a given in many companies. It was never so urgent to customer-oriented leadership. Because today’s buying behavior of the social Web, where the power relationship between provider and consumer has turned as customers is determined. Business speaker Anne M.
Schuller delivers her Audiobook of the customer-oriented leadership”a Toolbox for successful execution in recent times. In our new business world is the customer of not only passive consumers but is actively the market”, explained the management consultant Anne M. Schuller, which stands for a new generation marketing. The companies were from the Hunter to the hunted, the customer is the real boss. It is therefore high time for new manners in management, with employees and customers. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Hikmet Ersek.
Only customer-focused companies have the nose in the future.” The ten times Author has therefore in their audiobook the customer-focused leadership”valuable success recipes put together, show the entrepreneurs and executives how they can make a sustainable leadership. It is very important to align the leadership so that she will meet the new demands of a market which is at the same time making a profit and even humanity”, warns Anne M. Schuller, Europe’s leading expert in loyalty marketing. The audiobook highlights motivational and practical, how executives create such conditions that the employees can not only give their best for the customers, but want this also. Seven steps to a customer-focused leadership will point the way. The basis for this are among other things a laughing ‘ corporate culture, as well as a full idea Bank of full customer enthusiasm ideas. The audio book on the subject of Anne M. Schuller the customer-oriented leadership in the 25 most valuable Best practices for successful execution in recent times Breuer & Wardin, 1 CD, 77 min., price: 19.90 euro / CHF 29.90 ISBN: 978-3939621898 the book on the subject, awarded with the Swiss economy Book Prize 2008 now in 3. Edition Anne M. Schuller customer proximity in the Executive Suite, how do you kundenfokussiert employee Orell Fussli, Zurich, 3. actual. Edition 2011, 26.50 Euro 44.00 CHF 255 pages, ISBN: 978-3-280-05282-2 more info:
Poets Contemporaries
Murilo Santiago poet of the revelation of what he is occult in nossointerior, poet that pulls out to the force our private thoughts and sentimentosmais, poet that are not interested for what you demonstrate to be, and yes for what you hide, poet who if interest for what you are nomundo of the dreams and in its particular world, poet of the profundezasmentais, poet that discloses what it is more disgusting in us, poets semsutilezas and delicacies interior, poet of not disclosed the close conflicts and dascoisas. Virtual loves Its impossible loves Are in fact its untouchable bodies, Its not realizable erotismo, Its incontidos desires, Its fetiches, its images and its ghosts That disturb its body. Its finished loves Left the taste in the souvenir, Left the sensation in the directions. Now after consummated You say that she loved, Perhaps in fact you have loved In way the Untouchable and impossible bodies and loves. It is probable that he has loved Or only consummated desires In bodies you touched and possible. Murilo Santiago J.Nunez18-07-09 a pseudonym of J.Nunez I am the psychological faxineiro when I am Murilo SANTIAGO
Family Samba
Music and the refro are adapted of a typical dance of the region of Arcoverde, known for samba of coconut, and the Reisado group of the Caraba? loaned name of the town that if points out in the agricultural zone of this region, as site of the City hall of Arcoverde. The coconut samba, second release of the group Lopes Sisters, is sung and danced since 1916, for the grandmothers of the Lopes family, and inherited for the master Ivo Lopes, today deceased also, that it made much success with its toadas benditos and. Of this Family of Brincantes the samba of coconut of the Lopes Sisters appeared, expression of joy of a warlike people, who obtained to inside create its space of the Arcoverdense community. The Mr. family. Laurentino Lopes was religious for tradition, livened up the nights of novena of the Chapel of Is Sebastio, today First of the Release.
Beyond of the Novenrio they livened up the samba of coconut that was a cultural inheritance of its grandfathers continued by its parents and, for consequence, for the new generations of the family. According to material of the Ministry of the Culture of Brazil, the heading Rockets of kings (or the war) makes aluso to the Folia de Reis or reisado, ritual catholic where musicians, singers, dancers, clowns and other folclricas figures, duly characterized according to legends and local traditions, organized under the leadership of the Captain of the Folia, visit the houses during the end of the December month until day 6 of January. The entoadas songs are always on religious subjects catholics, with exception of those touched in the traditional stops suppers, lunches or rest of the folies, where they happen livened up to parties with cantorias and regional typical dances, as catira, fashion of viola and cateret. However, in contrast Dos Reis of the tradition catholic, the intention of the folia is not to lead gifts, but to receive them from the owner of the house for filantrpicas purposes.