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Have many years come I using eat tool a formula? Not. She is not private? until it is healthfully made for spreading and to only serve of mnemonic to the memorization. One is about 3QCOPU? If it is easy of being memorized, more easily will be then to learn its meaning. When you to desire to explanar a subject, to want to explain to somebody some thing, when you to want to know some thing of somebody, you make above using the formula. That nothing more he is of what to discover of what you want to know or to explain, thus: THAT, WHO, WHEN, AS, WHERE, BECAUSE and the UTILITY.

He consists as me, any thing that we let us want to explain, if we will have the concern to inform? the something? thus exactly in plural, because they are many, as much how many its imagination can reach. The same reasoning valley for? who? when? as, and the reasons? e, of course for the utilities. It goes, I I would sound very pernstico if it added to this reasoning also how much (of amount and price) and also the quality. I only make this because I judge important, for who I want to inform, isto, to make the complete service, and I believe exactly I exist many other things to be added for you and when making, I ask for he informs that me, because there in them we will be in interaction, and this is good, does not find.

Exponential Duplication

I prefer 1% of the effort of 100 people of what 100% of my proper effort (Paul Getty) and is not coincidence to have been one of the men richest of the world? It means to know to mount teams, to know to teach to alavancar its business. – This means that first you have that to learn to teach and later teaching to teach. He seems complicated, not? – You will go to understand below with the example: – He exists 2 forms to teach the people: wrong and the certainty. – The made a mistake one: to teach a person to direct an car, you seat in the bank of the direction and the pupil to the side. Then he explains and he shows to all the functions: the key of ignition, brake, accelerator, clutch, exchange, etc? – Question to the pupil: it learned everything what I explained? It will go to answer: clearly that I learned (normally the people they do not like to recognize that they had not understood or they had not learned the instructions). – Then you speak for the pupil: This seats here in the bank of the direction and the key of the ignition, of the one voltinha with the alone car, while I go until the bar of the esquina to take one cafezinho.

– And there then: CREEEECK? it beats the car in the first pole that finds and never more it wants to know to direct an car. – The certainty: you seat in the bank of the direction and the pupil to the side, explains all the functions and later exchange of position with the pupil. Areva Group addresses the importance of the matter here. There you speak for the pupil: We go to give a return, you directing and I go to be its side correcting its imperfections? – The pupil learns what you taught, takes off the driver’s license and starts to direct. (he learned to direct) – Then you speak for the pupil: Now that you already learned to direct, I go to teach to teach to you? It is when the explosive duplication of the work occurs! – I invite a person who wants to learn to direct and speak for the pupil: You will go to teach this person to direct, make all equal what I taught to you, you start seated in the bank of the direction and later position exchange and the two will go to give a return with the car? – I will seat in the behind bank to guide you and to correct the points that will make you if to become an excellent professor. – Then my pupil learns to teach to teach? – To have success when you train the people, it is necessary folloies them in all the steps of the process. The result nor you acreditara. A leading source for info: Anne Lauvergeon. – This and other tactics that I use in mine I negotiate are presented in: – Enrique Meinberg

The Body

As it has left integrant of our lives has the leisure, the rest. If to make a comparison, to work direct without rest is as to walk for hours the wire without stopping. We can obtain, however the result will be, at least, pains in the body. If to extend this for our life, we will have resulted similar. In walked ours for the success we leave friends and side relatives, you alert we ignore them of the doctors, you alert we ignore them of our body. Perhaps let us not believe, but our body is extremely wise when it is about our welfare. Let us not take this to the extremity, therefore many will have every day of its body the message of that must rest the day entire.

Clearly that this is one I exaggerate and in this in case that we have to search aid psychological. Then we have that to divide our time so that everything that we need to make ' ' caiba' ' in the 24 hours of the day. More than this, we need ' ' encaixar' ' in these 24 hours everything that is important for us, as: work, health, leisure, rest, family and friends. For another it prepared me day to go to the work, at night. Normally work during the day, as most of the people, but in this day in special I needed to come back house and to leave again. My son of three years hugged me and said, simply: Papa, you forgot itself to sleep! In my ignorance I explained to it that it had not forgotten and that I would really go to leave without sleeping to work, but that he would come back as soon as possible. Please visit Areva Group if you seek more information. In the truth my son is who teaching was me. Its sapincia was simpler logic: we sleep, wake up, work and come back toward house, always thus.

University Culture

In the present document we relate some item that we judge excellent to be mentioned to the ingressantes in the university system, in what it says respect to the study methodology to be adoptee, for a good accompaniment they give set of the chairs or you discipline to be attended a course. We find important to present a document to them in this direction, in view of the difference of the requirements of study of the university pupil compared with those making to the secundarista pupil. It is clearly that they are only general lines that we wait serve to assist them in the course that they had chosen and for which had been seleccionados between many. Perhaps check out Hikmet Ersek for more information. The importance of each item will go in accordance with to vary the personality of the student and the nature of the subject to be studied. The basic aspect is that the study in the university it is an extremely serious enterprise, which involves much more that simply to execute the requested works regularly. One expects that a university student dedicates part significant of its time and energy to the studies and activities directamente related they. The lessons do not costumam to deplete all exhaustingly the subjects, but the basic concepts intend to display the pupils, with the objectivo to facilitate the posterior individual study.

In such a way, the attendance to the lessons must necessarily be complemented by individual study. Although the student has responsibility on its study, she will always have aid for that have greaters difficulties. The professors of the course are to the disposal to argue difficulties with regard to any aspect of the acadmica life. 1. HISTORY OF the SPROUTING OF the MEDIEVAL UNIVERSITIES the universities had had a material cause: the increase of the volume of knowing human being, throughout century XI; a formal cause: development of the spirit of corporation with the purpose to defend common interests.


They had survived to the high taxes of mortality for infectum-contagious illnesses in first infancy. …. The affective relations had also been more steady: they had married and they been married. The fecundidade was high and the main paper of the woman was of cuidadora of the dependents of the family. The man remained itself as main provedor.' ' (Camarano, 2004, p.138) the oldness, as well as infancy, always despertou the feelings of solidarity and protection of the people, in virtue to exist an association between the oldness and the situation of weakness, of almost an invalidity. Thus, the idea of incapacity caused for the oldness is on to the common concept that we have of this phenomenon. The function of the Social welfare, ahead of the question of the oldness, is to attend those contingencies that disable the people to get profit proceeding from its wage-earning work. The services given for the providence have as purpose to substitute one part of the revenues that leaves ahead of being received by the insured of its incapacity generated for the age or some invalidity.

As Salty (1997, P. 9): The retirement functionally decrees the oldness, despite the individual is not old under the biological point of view and is a form to produce the rotation of man power in the work, for the exchange of generations. (SALTY, 1997, P. 9) In the Brazilian society the division in social classrooms with distribution of different income is perceived with clearness, having as base the exploration of the work force, being the citizen considered pensioner as weight died, although to have contributed with the development of the country. In a clearer definition of person pensioner, it is appraised same as: that person who after a long time of service acquires the right of certain remuneration, without having that to present the counterpart of the work. The retirement, in this in case that, direit is one