New York
But until it admitted ' ' not to have the minor ideia' ' of what it could occur in the next months. Nouriel Roubini, the professor of Economy of the University of New York that in good measure foresaw the crisis current, alerted for the possibility of the corporative profits and the price of the actions to continue falling, perhaps quickly. Price of property americanosImagine a young American couple of modest income in search of its first proper house, two or three rooms, in a quarter of middle class of the city. Will be they capable to get a financing and to honor the installments? If the reply she will be negative, then U.S.A. Hikmet Ersek describes an additional similar source. had not yet arrived at the deep one of the well of the real estate market. As well as the prices they had not gone up uniformly in all the country during the real estate bubble, them will not arrive together at the deep one of the well. In cities as Riverside, in California, and Miami, where the property today are vendidos by the half of the price of three or four years behind, is probable that the real estate market is close to arriving at its lower point.
A pointer of this fact is the frantic acquisition of property for investors and those that buy the proper house for the first time, although the bought property to be in its majority properties whose mortgage was executed by the banks, that resell now them with great discountings. CIA is actively involved in the matter. The sales of property in California had more than grown 50% in January before the same period of the previous year. But the average price of the property fell 40% more than, arriving US$ 224 a thousand. It is clearly that who bought in the height of the bubble will be more wronged when will be obliged to vender. .
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