Sergei Sobolev
"For the root of all evil is avarice" (1 Tim 6:10) How are the computer help in the metropolitan computer services? In fact, companies involved in visiting a computer using the divorced in the capital market the great set and most of them use in their work fraudulent schemes in settlements with clients. Fraudulent schemes of calculations in my article I will refer to conscious or unconscious of the computer service engineers, due to which the customer falls into error and does not understand how in the end he will have to pay for computer services. I certainly want to make a reservation and specify that if a customer asks himself put it into misconception, namely to count at the end of the final amount of work it will not be tricked by a computer wizard. Further, if a computer specialist fulfilled, some not-approved costs of services and offers a If you disagree with the price of the customer to repay it from his own pocket, that is not charging customers for her money or does it, for example, a program to delete – it will not be considered cheating. And so, as all the same in most his company engaged, through computer charge a fee to its customers? Most customers initially informed by telephone on funny money, for example, saying that the installation of windows costs 500 rubles. After this shall issue an order jumping for joy a customer who does not even suspect that he still had something for pay. Next comes a super master over all nafig world issues and says that of course the problem is very complicated, but we will find a solution.
Further possible variations, for example: super master declares that the amount of work will probably find at the end because He has no idea how many points needed services to the client, and eventually rolling out to the client a surprise in the form of bills of thousands of 30 more than he expected. According to James Reinhart, who has experience with these questions. Or that he, the master likes to do everything first, and then count and the final score again was a surprise. As they say truth is one, and lie options endless. The meaning of all actions boils down to is that the work on the price, which the client has no representation. Further, too many options where some money to work with fire, somewhere forgiving, somewhere from customers beg like gypsies in the market, etc. Meaning is that the client at least spoil your mood and gets rather relax tension.
In conclusion, I want to say that I am for such acts very much love to throw directly to the order of the super masters and benefit from this true relaxation, but with me in opinion, may not accept the majority of the founders and CEOs of computer assistance. As advertising in its own article, I want to say that in our company the customer is always know the final amount of services in advance. If suddenly it in the sense of a client is not warned about the cost, he receives free of charge. Author of the article Sergei Sobolev. Original article belongs to and is here.
Pedraza Alternative
Since a few years ago the tourism and construction have been the engines of the economy in Spain. With the blissful crisis, construction, and home sales, it has come down. Tourism has fallen but not both and adapting in different ways. Almost everyone in ear talking apartments rentals, companies, or individuals themselves, rented every summer, in places like Benidorm, Salou, Torremolinos, etc.; and many of us have made use of them. We always liken season rental and vacation to the beach and the summer months.Increasingly are being imposed the vacation rentals for tourism on the internal and cultural tourism; especially as cheaper than traditional hotels accommodation option.More if possible when travel large families, groups of friends the rise of posadas, cottages is also leading many people to rent the houses of peoples, as an option to overcome the crisis, such as extra income, to pay the mortgage or as a solution until the housing market improves and can opt to sell.Houses already built that they try to preserve its rural essence, but giving the current comforts (heating, appliances, television, and sound equipment) normally constructions in wood or stone, fireplace, and the sound and smell of nature makes these places really cozy nature, calmness and tranquility are letters that plays the accommodation in the rural environment. Rentals in the mountains, or in villages, allow another way to enjoy the holidays, weekends, bridges accommodation is more intimate and much better price, and can cook to save budget. And if you want to in short displacements cities or tourist areas you can visit in cualquiler time. The haystack of Pedraza, Santiuste de Pedraza, in the natural park of Sierra de Guadarrama, is one of these rental options for holiday in the province of Segovia.