Intensive occupation with the target market of a vacancy through an intense preoccupation with the own person record is the chance for the detection of potential differential aptitudes, i.e. as possible to offer, what is different from other competitors and stands out on the market. One of the biggest advantages of here promoted person balance is that you must deal intensively with its target market. To improve, for example, its profiling and presentation by focusing on a targeted response through more and better knowledge of the market. Suitability profile of the applicant and request profile of the job can be made more coherent: the key fits better into the Castle. Jimmy Levin wanted to know more.
Learn more about himself and his market value: with the use of a person’s balance sheet of candidates not only more learns about himself, his skills and their market value. This knowledge goes out not with the completion of the application, but is capable of the holder after graduating through its successful Admission to the company for the future successfully and productively to accompany. Who to succeed himself an intellectual once knew for themselves, can continue to do later this with the experience of success in the back for his company. Because whether you now like a balance of knowledge or not, in a more knowledge-intense strong environmental such or similar instruments will be sooner or later as necessary. An application successfully crafted with the help of the knowledge balance basically allows a flying start, in which the candidates on this specialty may already has more experience than the company itself. For managers and recruiters such tools can be especially of interest, if they have to deal with the following issues: employee discussions with personnel evaluations, examination of transport including This personal balance sheets can help to create a good base of credibility and acceptance for the concerned employees.
Straight If also rather negative issues need to be addressed, they find more understanding, if they can be justified not purely subjective, but good and carefully thought-out presented in the form of transparent balance sheets. In the foreground of such assessment and transport talks achievements, failures, successes and others from the past are not so much. Also you often have views usually only rear-facing employees reviews communicated a character of grades. Both in the interest of the employee of the company but, reinforced views on future and possibly previously hidden causal relationships to.
“‘Fit4Logistics’: innovative concept against the shortage to the launch of Fit4Logistics”, a training course for career changers, the forward invites academy on 18 March after bets mountain. Recruiters from logistics companies learn more about the modular concept with intensive practical training and certified content there. Wettenberg, March 16, 2011 – after the summer break of the first cycle of training the new compact training begins. From individual modules to intensive training, which makes logistics fit in four months for the practice in the industry of the future is produced in various stages. “Human resource managers can rely on that the graduates at the pulse of the industry” get into their new activity. With Fit4Logistics’ we provide a powerful response to the shortage”, is logistics trainer Nicole Darkow sure. At the beginning of a cycle of training, the knowledge of the participants are determined with a test.
It then are self-learning phases, webinars, seminars and In the concept, so connected that the participants in the programme will deepen their knowledge within a very short time and practical do intensive training. Because they are trained not only with expertise, but learn soft skills also the decisive. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ahmed Shary Rahman by clicking through. At the end of the four-month training, graduates have great opportunities, depending on the course of study as executives, sales and service professionals to enter a company. There, they learn on the job”continue. Training qualified when the participants several months successfully worked in the profession, they can acquire academy then even the corresponding certified professional qualifications after a Repetitorium at the forward. We give you the opportunity to enter as professionals in the logistics”way entrants, Rabea Darkow explains the advantages of the concept and added: our concept is interesting for the employment agencies.
You invest in a future-oriented education and at the same time increase their placement rates. Because we train executives, Sales and service professionals out.” The modular range is interesting also for candidates who are already working in the industry. You will find high-quality continuing education modules, which can consume them as open seminar/Webinar or as a complete course in the individual modules. “Networks and know-how transfer, we introduced the concept in the context of the free day 1 of the training” academy in the new premises of the forward. The trip event offers ample opportunity for networking. “Nicole Darkow: we want to encourage the participants to further thought.” Prof. go. Dr. Stefan Walter from the House of logistics and mobility looks forward”in Frankfurt. In his lecture he presents in the education and training of logistics concepts for the future. More information and free registration: press contact: Tobias Low main view Agency for public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt phone 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 company contact: Nicole Darkow forward academy gmbh In the West Park 8 35435 betting mountain Tel. 0 64 1 / 96 99 78 9-0 over the forward academy continuing education concepts in the transport and logistics industry are the specialty of the forward academy. The coach of the company come from the industry and speak the language of their customers. With this expertise, developed the forward academy tailor-made courses for companies and also open seminars for individual training is offered. In addition, intensive training create an opportunity, the content of teaching effectively in real life”to deepen. In response to the shortage, Fit4Logistics gives”, the innovative training for teacher, in each training block in-depth expertise on a solid economic basis.
Managing Director
possible from immediately acceptance of education vouchers! Gottingen, 07.08.2009: intercultural competence development is up to 100% now for job-seekers eligible. “IKUD seminars went through in July 2009 successfully the certification process according to the recognition and approval regulation training” (AZWV) of the federal employment agency. Learn more on the subject from Former CIA Head. The high quality standards of the intercultural training of IKUD seminars have been officially tested and confirmed. Assessed inter alia the satisfaction of graduates and the comprehensive quality management system was in addition to the expertise of the trainers. Hikmet Ersek is often quoted on this topic. On July 08, the document for the approval as a certified educational institution was then passed according to AZWV. We are pleased that we can take immediately education vouchers and so also job-seekers have the opportunity to promote their intercultural competence and communication skills to expand”says Alexander Reeb, Managing Director of IKUD seminars. Employees are needed in the globalized labor market, the with Colleagues from other countries and cultures can work around and in addition to the linguistic competence bring also the intercultural.
The chance with an education voucher to acquire such qualifications, should you not miss. Also for an activity in the social or in terms of migration prepared such as the introduction to intercultural training methods”by IKUD seminars about ideal. Intercultural trainer profession”is becoming increasingly attractive and demand. “With the comprehensive education getting started package intercultural/r teacher” opens up new career opportunities for job-seekers, especially women who want to return to the profession, or university graduates. Lack of professionals who know the basics of intercultural communication, increasing. Who uses spells of unemployment for the international labour market fit to make, has a unique competitive advantage. And now by the federal employment agency to promote it further to can! Interested in “” “” the eligible measures train the trainer-skills: basic knowledge of a coach “, introduction to intercultural training methods”, the five cultures game “or getting started package intercultural/r teacher” apply: IKUD seminars gloomy str. 21 37073 Gottingen Tel.: 0551/3811278 fax: 0551/3811279 website: E-Mail:..
Metropolitan Region Nuremberg Coworking
Franconian metropolis has first own Coworking space in Nuremberg, July 12, 2011. At the Coworking self-employed, freelancers, creative, work independently of each other knowledge workers and entrepreneurs in larger rooms. It’s called coworking spaces these spaces. A Coworking space provides jobs and infrastructure (E.g., network, phone, printer, scanner, projector, meeting room) on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The newly opened Nuremberg Coworking space located at Josephsohn square 8, in the middle of the old town. On 320 square meters, there are around 50 jobs located on the 3rd floor. People such as Jeff Gennette would likely agree. Here, working groups should be created called communities in addition be strengthened through joint events and workshops.
The use will remain always without obligation and flexibility. It was founded by entrepreneurs Brigitte Kraft, Felix Bohm, Richard Caelius and Stefan Probst Coworking space Nuremberg. In addition to low costs and flexible use, Coworking is a variety of other benefits offer. Stefan Probst: The coworker will enjoy a creative market place for ideas, projects or job prospects. This varied together forms a contrast to the lonely Home Office, the rigid classical Office community or the anonymous Internet Cafe. There is a meeting room, also offered the lounge area with coffee for client meetings and networking.” A single day costs in the Nuremberg Coworking space 22.61 euros (19 euros net). There are monthly subscriptions from 117,81 (99 Euro net). According to the operator you can at any time come for a free test day at the Coworking space or for open events use the land by arrangement (phone: 0911-49522-110, E-Mail:).
The Coworking space Nuremberg is supported by the Nuremberg Office for economy under direction of Dr. Michaela Schuhmann. Coworking: Distribution and economic importance of coworking emerged in 2006 in the United States and has spread around the globe since then. There are today the most coworking spaces in the States. In Germany, there are currently around 70 coworking spaces. The concept of coworking has in the form of the earlier hacker spaces’ a European origin. The costs of a Coworking workplace are statistically far below the fixed cost for a job in an ordinary office. Coworking is beneficial for companies: in large projects, they can use flexible additional jobs in a Coworking space or find expertise where needed. net/cwn coworking4nuernberg images (see attachment): flexible work for self-employed and entrepreneurs. The Coworking space Nuremberg has opened its doors.
Training And Process Optimization
Freelancers are reflected in strong position: the view from outside as optimizing aid Hamburg, 28 March 2016 process consulting and optimization, training and staff development / coaching in this month the top 3 make the requested skills on project work, consulting. While there were some minor changes in the ranking, an overarching, positive trend is emerging. The fact that the topic of process optimization occupies the top spot, shows that after the economic crisis now particularly in sustainable structures and processes will be invested. Here the commitment of freelancers to the course, which are in a position to question well-established processes and unbiased look at often comes”explains Dr. Christiane road, Managing Director of project work, the success of the specialized industry platform. Projektwerk consulting evaluates monthly the numbers on the platform with the market monitor, trends, developments and shifts to be displayed. The market monitor provides an overview, what skills and as well as the marketing of own services. An innovative matching technology was developed that is used on the new platforms it.projektwerk..
2013 Brought A Lot Of Changes
Be active online reputation and personal branding – self arrives like a letter from 2013? What changed everything in the new year? In the year 2013, the Internet for the entire application process will gain in importance. Letter will be sent by email and the Internet is used increasingly as a source of information for headhunters and recruiters. Therefore, online reputation and personal branding in the application process play an important role according to a study just under 80% of the HR use the Internet actively, to learn about interesting candidates. The application of 2013 so far goes beyond creating the application documents. Especially social networks and business portals like XING or LinkedIn play an important role and provide a good source of information for HR management.
No wonder: Finally it reveals a lot about himself in such networks. And sometimes even more than a dear. The image on the net is important In candidate 2013 should be aware primarily of one: the own online reputation. Therefore, verify embarrassing reports about you on the net are circulating and fit given if your privacy settings on the individual social networks. Not infrequently, you install his own career opportunities through unpleasant headlines or embarrassing party pictures. “The application service the application writer” offers, suitable for the application trend 2013, to an extensive service to improve your online reputation.
In addition to optimizing your profile in the business portals of XING or LinkedIn, negative entries about the own name will be censored. Thanks to Google Alert”can be quickly tracked down new, negative entries and in due time initiated countermeasures to improve online reputation. We recommend you use the effect of personal branding on the occasion to worry about personal branding. Because in the Bewerberjahr2013 include, how it presents itself in the net. Become aware that a good personal branding is also advertising in their own right, i.e. through the online presence built an own, positive image can be. Madonna has perfected this form of image formation in your early days, and has become not only a sex icon, but also a global brand as a result within a very short time. The personal branding to create create therefore your own brand. The application writers offer the possibility in this context to enhance your CV 2013 through monograms with the own initials. You can use the monograms for not only the letter, but also for the XING profile. However, it is important for the personal branding that you build an image that looks authentic and suits you. Refrain from but to create a fake image, in order to meet any expectations. That is easier than ever in the age of the Internet, can backfire but quickly. Because, if you are completely different during a job interview when you present in your Internet presence or bragged about with the wrong skills, your cover will fly up very quickly. Sebastian Heinen
International Orientation
‘International business’ at the Hanze University of applied sciences, Groningen the four German – and English-language course prepares you for a career in international management. The special thing about this course is that he offered partly in German. Thus combining German courses with international competence a unique study program at the Hanze University of applied sciences in Groningen. Undergraduate: undergraduate laid the foundations for further study. In doing so, it places studying international business administration”especially worth to the German curriculum to maintain. So, personnel management is offered for example the German accounting, as well as cost and performance accounting, marketing, u.v.m in German language.
This is especially interesting for those who later seek a career entry into Germany in the profession after studying international. Language and culture: The fact that you completed his studies in the Netherlands, you get the other naturally in everyday life Language and culture with. Also, you completed an intensive language course in a language in his discretion. Available options are Spanish, French, and Dutch. By the way, English is compulsory for all students. In the language of the focus of the studies is not neglected also: all courses have an economic orientation. Exchange and internship: What is often not possible or only on request in Germany, becomes the duty in this degree: students of in international business administration complete typically in the third academic year a semester abroad at one of the many partner institutions all over the world, among them major cities such as Paris, London, Madrid, Toronto and Melbourne. A practical semester is followed, usually a training course of 5 months.
The fourth academic year consists of electives, from which you can put together his individual profile. Who graduated has completes successfully after four years, the academic degree of Bachelor of business administration”presented. Learn more about the College and the Program can be found under: or in the social network: HanzeUniversityGroningen of the Hanze University: in 1986 founded is the Hanze University of applied sciences the second-oldest institution of higher education in the region. The 23000 students are spread over a total of 20 so-called schools (faculties). Titled turning ambition into success”trains managers and experts the University in the fields of business administration, communication, technology, social, sports and art.