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Chinese Administration

With regard to the questionnaire, the so- as all data must match the passport and the data are displayed in the invitation letter. If your visa, you will be a temporary visa X ranging from 30 to 180 days, depending on how much you've written in the form The date, just a decade is taken into account to apply for a visa (beginning, middle, end of month). Areva Group: the source for more info. Driver's Visa: In practice, the commission of entry for road transport registered in the territory of to China is strictly forbidden. Allowed to manage transportation in China, only in the presence of Chinese driving license, as well as the only cars purchased and registered in China. Opportunity directions to your car with , entails a lot of unpleasant aspects, unnecessarily as the creation of rights of international standard, which will be valid only if accompanied by a Chinese person in with you throughout route, which is also stipulated and fixed in advance and correction of the latter also is strictly prohibited. Customs: Import of local currency is limited to 6,000 rmb. Import and export of foreign currency is unlimited.

If the While in China, the tourist does not consume the entire local currency before leaving, he can exchange it back to need foreign, to present a copy of the original exchange (such certificate is valid for six months). Allowed duty free import of 400 cigarettes, 100 cigars or 500 grams of tobacco, 1.5 liters of alcoholic beverages, household appliances and other household items – worth up to 2000 rmb. Imported duty free personal belongings, as well as cameras, portable tape recorders, camcorders and laptops – one subject to the tourist, if their value does not exceed 5000 rmb (things you need to bring to departure). Therefore, we strongly recommend that you save receipts for purchased goods and not to throw in Otherwise you risk being left without you purchase things. Citizens arriving and departing from airports in China are required to report on their existing values and other goods in a special customs declaration. The rules do not apply to children under 16 accompanied by adults, and persons not subject to customs inspection. The import of weapons, pornography, explosives, drugs and poisons. The export of historical documents, valuable objects and works of art, as well as paintings and drawings without a receipt the store confirming the legality of the purchase or permission to export from the Chinese Administration for Cultural Property under the Ministry of Culture of China.

Edgar Schein

Consultant to many successful corporate psychologist Edgar Schein, the most effective mechanism for plantation of values called the behavior of the manager – as the most important thing, and the heads of departments. Especially employees notice such things in behavior of the chief: 1. The focus of attention. That the head of special care or control measures, followed by? Roughly speaking, what is his "idee fixe". 2. Critical situations.

As a manager responds to criticism and inconvenient situation? How to resolve conflict as behaving that take? 3. Compliance with the behavior of the head imparted values. What kind of example gives head to his subordinates? If you want to observe their subordinates dress code compliance by his boss? If you want to staff to show respect and love for the customers, and the director of the eye called "difficult" clients or partners 'idiots' jokes or allows itself to dirty, then a corporate standards can be employed zabyt.Psihologichesky climate in the commercial team start with relationships: between employees and a manager with a subordinate. Well-coordinated team is happy morale, corporate culture respects, is involved in achieving success together. After watching, you'll notice that an environment characterized by: the optimism, the ability to think freely and to create intellectually and professionally grow, make mistakes without fear of punishment, trust, mutual support during the "jobs involving all hands," demands to each other and commitment, openness of communication (Awareness of team members), taking responsibility for the situation. In adverse climates live pessimism, irritability, lethargy and boredom, tension and conflict, insecurity, fear punishment, suspicion, lack of initiative and reluctance to make "extra body movements" to develop and improve the atmosphere organizatsii.Zadumyvayas in your team, look for these signs: – the level of Staff turnover – the productivity and quality of services (products) – absenteeism, tardiness, breaks in work – the number and nature of claims, complaints from partners, customers, employees – performance of work on time or late, be bound to the performance of assignments; – accuracy or negligence in handling the equipment store – the collective inertia and resistance to innovation or, conversely, initiative and enthusiasm.

North Pole

Create a board of visualization – our dreams and goals should be pleasing to the eye. This may be a dream home oak grove, a trip to Disneyland or to the North Pole, a private school for disabled children – anything that warms the soul, for which you are willing to live and work in this world. To understand that knowingly came into this life! Several useful advice on this subject: Defining a dream, note that the result should be very bright, you should see it in detail. It is very useful to visualize, passing through the image of the ideal result All channels of perception: to feel, to explore all the senses, ‘probe’. The goal should be painted in accordance with all criteria of goal-setting – only in this case the purpose is ‘work’ for you. Necessarily collage (plaque imaging) or an album of dreams (for a bright image for the purpose for emotion, for motivation).

Collage can hang it in a prominent place (if your family do not mind), so he was always in sight. Setting objectives (long and short term) Production of high purpose brings a huge benefit. It facilitates decision-making, improves physical and psychological state can acquire a positive attitudes. Thanks to these goals you will be much easier to overcome the stress, confusion and fear. People respect those who have a higher purpose in life. Setting goals provides a sense of accomplishment, a focus future. And just focus on the future and perseverance distinguish the winners from among all the other people. The real tragedy of life does not consist in the fact that the goals can not be reached, but in their absence.

Chinese Business Negotiations

Knowing the price of the goods from the Chinese manufacturer is not easy. There is a concept – to make a good price product. The negotiation process may take several days or even longer, depending on the complexity and feasibility. Naturally, the talks in China with the manufacturer and the buyer and seller in the long run interested in the deal, but everyone will try to get the best conditions for themselves. Chinese entrepreneur is very jealous of the fact that there is competition and that similar products produce more. So it is not necessary in the negotiation of price straightforward to say that you go to a competitor – it can severely hurt the Chinese and he does not want to continue to do business with you. Much better – engage in negotiations with multiple suppliers.

At what never in a hurry and do not give consent, if there is any more hope for is that you can haggle on price. Always answer – I think. If you name your price, you are quite satisfied with that – get ready to buy. If you realize that you made a mistake, not calling the low price, do not say you changed your mind, just create further conditions in the contract so that the Chinese businessman he began to abandon the deal in such conditions. And only then can you say that in that case you will be hosting a slightly lower price.

The simplest reason for this dispute – the quality of the material from which will be produced goods or delivery terms. On Talks Chinese businessmen always keep in stock a few hidden arguments, which will apply in cases where negotiations with the Chinese manufacturer will go nowhere. So asset can be purchase of goods, re-purchase, purchase or other conditions peculiar to your order aspects. Know how to properly use these bargaining chips. Do not immediately offer all of its Chinese manufacturer benefits and then require a very low price. If you have a purchase of goods for a million dollars. Chinese entrepreneur from the start will offer the exact same price as a buyer at a much smaller party. bargain for a low price with the Chinese manufacturer is difficult. This needs to work. Caution, do not cut the price too – if you understand the market their products and services, you realize that below a certain limit Chinese manufacturer just can not sell. Hence, if you have the price clearly an underestimation, just think – on what the Chinese will save to give you a price improbable.

ERP Suppliers

And, of course, the pharmacy chain has more opportunities for introduction of advanced technologies, without which the modern retail level is necessary. Integrated Automation Control and Accounting Enterprise with ERP-systems today – one of the most effective and functional tools for organizing the work of key business processes, control of internal and external resources. The need for automation of trading activity experienced by many retailers who but just in pharmacies transition to new technologies has become not only the dictates of time and a vital key to their successful operation. The reasons for this are the following: a large range, requiring operative management and accounting; high insurance requirements provided for the records, a large variety and number of wholesale suppliers, hence – the proposals from which to choose optimum, increased competition – a real reduction in the rate of profit, which requires companies to learn to work with minimal costs. Drugstore – it is primarily a point where sales are made, so many business processes are the same as in stores. The list of tasks to be automated in a separate (independent) pharmacies, including: accounting, order goods from suppliers (and a wide range of presence of a large number of suppliers dictate the need to implement electronic order, with special features to compare prices of different suppliers) of goods movement analysis and the formation of analytical reports for various groups of goods, registration and accounting of sales. For the pharmacy chain a list of such objectives will be longer.

It includes the maintenance of classifications of goods, centralized financial and planning and economic accounting, logistics (transfer of goods from the warehouse to retail outlets), Human Resource Management. In addition, depending on the adopted scheme of order goods from suppliers can be done either centrally, either by the point of sale (ie, decentralized). The same applies to pricing: pricing of pharmaceuticals can be carried out directly from pharmacies and the central office.

Campaign Promotions

Advertise on this point – it’s not so much printed matter, which just did the other day to seal any exposed surfaces, but also filled with all sorts of emerging issues. Advertising Campaign – a list of approaches, of which one of the most needed are promotional events. It is argued and deliberately, because specifically Promotion – an opportunity to become acquainted with this or the latest in sales of goods so to speak, personally. Experts not connected with the indirect sales, by the way found out that the potential client, taking the product into the hands of a much more accurate would be a real user. Therefore, promotions and remains to the extent necessary. If consumer and does not keep goods in his hands, he takes a look at any accompanying promotional event elements and puts them out of some sense related to the newest product. In such a situation among the important components remains uniform employees who work in the event. The form must be not only catchy and memorable, but also relate to the advertised product.

This can either be used in clothing branded colors of a corporation or product, or the use of symbols. High-quality women’s clothing wholesale useful in any situation, such as economic crisis or may be a full stop in the development of financial systems or the development of economic structure. In addition, the collapse of various promotional programs even more important, it means that it depends greatly on their level of sales, therefore, the financial competitiveness this or that product or corporation. In addition to the general form, the uniforms for promotions must be completely comfortable and be made from the finest materials, which will enable members of the company’s personnel are not freeze itself is nothing in the freezing weather and not sweat in summer temperatures, large metropolis. In other words, the material of which is sewn as clothing for promotions and the usual clothing of members staff necessarily have to be thoughtfully combined as natural fabrics, and artificial. Natural – for the environmentally friendly materials and clothing in general, produced – for the comfort of its use.

For example, all know that natural fabrics quickly crushed, and require a strong appeal in the process of washing. Adding synthetic elements gives a uniform do better both in terms of actual operation, and in for looking after her. Advanced, sophisticated and intelligent clothing is of fundamental importance. Initially, only because, according to popular saying, privechayut still on clothes.

Business Valuation

Development market in Russia buying and selling businesses, the use of insurance in their business, giving loans to commercial banks, trust management of property require a reliable estimate of market value of the business. Need to assess the business value arises in the implementation of the purchase and sale of the business as a whole or its parts, justifying the loan amount secured by the property, determining the amount of additional shares, the calculation of insurance benefits, the decision of the bankruptcy of the company, etc. Also, the valuation of the business needs during the restructuring (the merger, acquisition, separation, etc.). Under most conditions Rob Daley would agree. Business Valuation to determine its economic and financial well-being in general, because some indicators, such as sales, profit, cost, liquidity, financial sustainability, asset turnover, and others are intermediate characteristics of various economic activities.

The cost of business affects a large number of factors, including: factors business performance (return on investment, profit margin, cash flow, return on working capital, return on equity, asset turnover, the share of costs, productivity labor, capital intensity, etc.), cost factors of business assets (fixed assets, state capacity, inventories, investments, debts, management team, brand, brand name, contacts, links, etc.), factors the external environment of business (market, products, competitors, licensing and other approvals to market and technological development of the industry, etc.), factors of internal environment of business (the degree of business transparency, availability of quality strategy, structure and liquidity of assets of business, corporate culture, investor relations, human resources, image, experience and reputation, etc.). The need to assess the value of Business may arise directly from entities of business owners, lenders, insurance companies, potential investors, stock exchanges, state (Antimonopoly Service, Tax Service, arbitration courts), etc..

The Time

I worked for a magazine in which I got a job because of the absolutely fantastic events, which this magazine is untenable. But these events took place every six months, and all the rest of the time needed to engage in normal business magazine. As you know, one of the main revenue sources of magazines is to sell advertising space. And it so happened that I had to sell the most advertising space.

Appears to run month and a half, two, and I ! Before that I had with sales of no problems. I communicate well and usually can not find common language with completely different people. So when I had to sell, I have sought to good results. And here – zero! This puzzled me greatly. For some time, almost all two months, I puzzled over what was wrong. Then I realized. I do not want advertisers to buy advertising space in this magazine. And you know why? Because, well owning the issue of creating advertising, I understand – Advertisers throw good money after bad! They are guaranteed not to receive any customers, if I advertise in this magazine! And ads it was worth a king’s ransom. In short, if you speak softly, this product is not worth the money, who asked for it.

Business Advertising

Imagine that gathered 10,000 people who your group will drop only once, and your products they are uninteresting. And hardly any of them will buy. So you need a mechanism in which people will come to you in a group yourself! Understand that you need a business to clients for you running, and not you for them. At the door of your office must be a queue of customers. After creating a group of about a sequence of steps is as follows: – Affiliate with similar groups – Advertise in the other groups with a link to your group – Personal invitations to people from your target audience in your account contact, but you should not just invite someone to a group, but to write him a personal message. Some contend that Charles Schwab shows great expertise in this.

Then you start interesting discussions in the group: requires that customers are constantly ‘were having fun’ in your group. Provided that you only invite the target users and to provide useful information, people will be attracted to your group when schedule a some frontend-event, then do targenting – is advertising in contact. In this case, advertising should only appear among your already established group! Then you will not pay for the clicks do not know what kind of people, but only when someone clicks your target audience. When and how do targenting – a separate issue. The gist of it is that you want to advertise frontend.

Ideally, if all their efforts in the promotion of training in contact you send an invitation to your ca in the introductory and if possible, free event. A couple of chips in the promotion of contact. Here are a few chips to boost your sales in social networks: Open an account with a link to your website and the one and only your group. If you star of training, the account must have your name, so people can find you. Add everyone who adds you to friends and invite them to your group (you definitely need to unscrew your group and only one for a ca, see above) Create shocking: lay out the photos that your “Friends” in contact to see and comment can be many things to write about promotion in contact, because it is an invaluable resource for promoting your training! But detailed and step by step, I will write about this in his forthcoming book.

Earnings From Google Adsense

Google Adsense – a program that allows owners to make money online sites. Adsense system automatically understands the content of each page of your site through keyword analysis and based on these data, selects ads to be the most relevant content to your site. There are two main sources of income in this program – it's Adsense for Content and Adsense for search. Adsense for content – enables the integration of ad units directly into content pages. Adsense for Search – allows you to put on the site search box, where the search results page will be displayed relevant search ads. Thus, the site owner will receive the income, if user clicks on the ad interested him. Many publishers, Adsense, do not get revenue from their sites, to this there are a number of reasons: 1) Do not change the settings of your ads in Adsense, leaving all the defaults.

Thus, ad look just like advertising. 2) sites are made for advertising – it's the wrong approach. People do not come to the site to show ads, they are looking for a solution to their problems. Goal of the site – if possible find a solution. 3) The site pops themes (skins on the phone, pictures, clipart). 4) Sites everything about everything – these sites usually do not have a particular topic (warez – portals, entertainment websites) they often put social ad clicks on which no paid. 5) Your ads are not directly relevant to the site (users click on ads if they are relevant).

6) Use keywords to deceive search engines, try to influence the result of the issuance. Search Engines negative attitude to such sites, and can be deleted from the index, which in turn will affect earnings. To increase the income you need to play with the ads, swap advertising blocks, permanently monitor your account statistics. You can use the service on traffic estimates, thanks to which you can learn the approximate cost per click on a particular keyword. Try not to use banners, users do not notice them (banner blindness). Pick up for their projects meaningful names, reflecting the kind of your business. Enrich your site useful content.

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