Between the moralistas and the educators of century XVII, the infancy feeling was formed that would come to inspire to all the education of century XX (Aries, 1989). From there it comes the explanation of the types of attendance destined to the children, of repressor and compensatory character. Of a side the child is seen as a innocent being that she needs cares, of the other as a being fruit of the sin. According to kramer: At this moment, the infancy feeling corresponds the two contradictory attitudes: one considers the ingenuous, innocent and gracious child and is translated by the paparicao of the adults, and to another one it appears simultaneously to the first one, but if it opposes, becoming the child an imperfect and incomplete being, that needs ' ' moralizao' ' of the education made for the adult (to kramer, 2003:18). These two feelings are originated by a new position of the family in relation the child, who starts to assume its function more effectively, the family start to perceive the child as a future investment, that it needs to be preserved, and therefore it must be moved away from bad physicists and moral. For Kramer (2003: 18) ' ' she is not the family who is new, but, yes the feeling of family who appears in centuries XVI and XVII, non-separable of the feeling of infncia.' ' The familiar life gains a character more private, and to the few the family assumes the role that before was destined to the community.
It is important to point out that this feeling of infancy and family represents a standard bourgeois, whom if it transformed into universal. According to Kramer: . .a infancy idea () appears with the capitalist society, urban-industrial, in the measure where they change its insertion and the social paper of the child in the community. if, in the feudal society, the child exerted a productive paper direct (' ' of adulto' ') as soon as she exceeded the period of high mortality, in the bourgeois society it starts to be somebody that she needs being well-taken care of, escolarizada and prepared for a future function.
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