The State
The State started to search each time more to guarantee the exercise of the citizenship. (…) The after-modern society dived in phenomena as: Internet, the globalization, clonagem, was planetary, ONGs, etc, of another side, the degradation of the man, the xenophobia, the terrorism, the misery, the consumerism, etc. (Fraga, 1999, P. 76). The experiences politics, have not been of existosas. (…) It has a skepticism politician, motivated for the negative example of the action of some politicians. The problem of the ethics in the politics, it part of the idea of values. Weber still makes one analyzes sufficiently deep of the capitalist system, pointing logical elements of the formation and deformation.
(…) The capitalism obtained to demonstrate a sufficiently significant capacity of overcoming of its contradictions. (…) Weber testified the recovery of the capitalism, after the crisis of the beginning of century XX. (…) this made possible Weber to think of different form the solutions or alternatives for the capitalist society, (…) that it coexisted between a great economic development and a great social subdesenvolvimento. (Fraga, 1999, P. 77-78). The basic elements of the capitalist logic are: exclusion social, constant and fast devalorizao of merchandises and impossibility of macroeconomic control on the society. To solve this problematic one social scientist is necessary to understand the actions of the man thus it to search mechanisms in order to mediate the process exploration.
(Fraga, 1999, P. 79). The State, the right, and the bureaucracy is rational instruments that guarantee the functioning of the capitalism. The function of the State is to guarantee and to format the social cohesion. (Fraga, 1999, P. 80). The scientific weberiano method if constitutes in the construction of the ideal types that are parameters of scientific inquiry, from which the researcher if approaches to the investigated object. Weber cited for Fraga, (1999, P. 81) thus defines the ideal type.
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